I got suspended for Twitter for a week for wishing Donald Trump and all his criminal enablers to die from coronavirus.
This is what you would call “uncivil” for mainstream American political discourse but whatever. The time for civility with these chumps has long since passed.
President Business Deals has only expressed empathy for one out of 7,500,000 COVID victims: Himself.
They pumped the old fat hog full of steroids and is back to living in his magical world where everyone else can pay $750 in federal taxes and take a helicopter to a world-class medical facility with access to drug cocktails that aren’t available to the general populace.

Make no mistake: This kind of rhetoric is going to get people killed. Sure, a lot of them will be MAGA chuds and I will shed zero tears. But these morons will go out and infect poor workers that they think only exist to serve every one of their inane needs.
But Twitter allows it because Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, like all the Silicon Tech gremlins, are scared of our hog president calling them biased against conservatives or whatever. So what should serve as Exhibit 1-A in a manslaughter case instead gets enshrined into textbooks that will befuddle our future children if we don’t die in a climate inferno first.
At least that fucking centrist freak Amy McGrath, the troop that coastal liberals can’t stop throwing money at in an election she has zero chance of winning, used that money to run pro-Trump ads in a state she’s not even competing it in:

Do these people interact with Trump voters? They must not, because they would know it’s futile if you think a 30-second ad is going to persuade their chimpanzee mind into voting for someone with that dreaded (D) next to their name.
This is the same crowd that sent “well wishes” to Donald Trump and his equally shitty wife on a speedy recovery. Compare that to these kings and queens; I want what they had.

One day, that winning pony is coming through those stable doors. One day.

The Ohio Republican Party replaced RICO Larry Householder as Speaker of the House with a guy they swore was an honest public servant in Bob Cupp.
Cupp did a bunch of talking about repealing HB-6 like he’s some random joker off the street like I am and not the third-most powerful politician in the state. Householder is still in the House and up for re-election next month with the endorsement of his local county party.
HB-6 is still on the books and our incompetent Statehouse isn’t doing anything of note on the issue.
From Andy Chow of wosu.org:
The Ohio House and Ohio Senate missed a notable date in their attempt to repeal House Bill 6, the sweeping energy bill at the heart of a corruption case. Now opponents say it will be even harder to avoid new charges on Ohioans' electric bills.
Because it takes 90 days for a bill to go into effect, lawmakers needed to pass a repeal of HB6 by October 1 if they wanted to stop subsidies for Ohio's two struggling nuclear plants, as well as two coal plants.
Federal prosecutors say the bill was supported through a $60 million racketeering scheme, allegedly orchestrated by former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder. Supporters say HB6 is still good policy despite the alleged process.
However, state Rep. David Leland (D-Columbus) says the bill must repealed quickly in order to restore public trust.
We are not going to repeal HB-6. They’re going to just run out the clock and let people focus on whatever insane thing Donald Trump happened to do that. Sure, maybe we’ll save the 90 cent charge on our energy bills or whatever, but they will keep all the language that gutted Ohio’s renewable energy standards. That is our best case scenario, which is depressing and pathetic.

Dr. Richard Strauss terrorized and molested thousands of Ohio State students during a three-decade career of terror. It was an open secret and honestly Sports Illustrated (or rather, the remnants of Sports Illustrated) has a good question why in the Hell are we not talking about this more?
Because it sure seems like Ohio State did their best to act like this open secret doesn’t damn multiple other people as well.
From Jon Wertheim of si.com:
So much so that each sport seemed to have coined a different shorthand for Strauss. For athletes in one sport he was “Dr. Feel Good.” For another, he was “Dr. Jelly Fingers.” There was also “Dr. Balls,” “Dr. Nuts” and “Dr. Drop-Your-Drawers.” Some OSU coaches used the mock threat of “having to see Dr. Strauss” as motivation to make their athletes run faster or practice harder.
Strauss’s victims would span two decades, from 1978 to 1998, and include athletes who would go on to play in the NFL and fight in the cages of UFC. They would include athletes in nonrevenue sports from tennis to wrestling to cheerleading. They would also include—critically, it would turn out—male undergraduates from the general student population, unencumbered by the OSU athletic department, the athlete culture, or fealty to “Buckeye Nation,” making them more likely to speak out. Strauss had access to them all. According to a report commissioned by Ohio State, before he was done, he would commit at least 1,429 instances of fondling and 47 instances of rape.
The scale of Richard Strauss’s abuses was comparable to those of another Big Ten doctor who assaulted athletes, Larry Nassar, the central figure of scandals encompassing Michigan State and USA Gymnastics. Why, then, has the OSU scandal drawn a fraction of the same attention and national outrage? Why is Ohio State taking a strikingly hard-line stance with so many of the 350-plus survivors, including Coleman, who have sued the school? And why are former OSU athletes negotiating settlements for dimes on the dollar, measured against the amounts received recently by the victims of Nassar and other campus predators?
The fact is you don’t get away with crimes like Strauss did for as long as he did if he wasn’t protected by other powerful pedophiles up the ladder. It’s just easier for Ohio State to pretend this was just some random rogue actor who nobody could have seen it coming.
Really shady stuff coming from the university that still has deep ties with that billionaire sex freak Les Wexner, the guy who single handily put Jeffrey Epstein into a position of prominence.

I have often said it’s time for white men to stand down from power, which makes me a race traitor in some people’s eyes. Oh well. I have said for a long time that we had our run of the world and didn’t do jack shit with it, so let’s let some other demographics try their time at the wheel.
Ohio is a great example of that phenomenon.

THOSE WMDs. IRS is investigating NRA president Wayne LePierre for tax fraud… A guide to living through extreme uncertainty… Bob Murray, who fought against black lung relief for his miners, has filed for black lung benefits… Oligarchs, industrialists and right-wing financiers back ACB’s Supreme court bid.