Feb. 15, 2019: Can't Run From Ohio Justice Forever
Constituent secures the bag against state rep, feds raid Cuyahoga County Executive Office, and more.
Welcome to Ohio! Serial killers, FBI agents, and dipshit LSD dealers headline our news. Throw a liter of vodka in your orange juice and dump your boss in a trashcan because it’s Friday, the Holy Worker Sabbath.

The thing about doing crime is you not only have to beat cops and technology of that day but also any advancements that come within the statue of limitations.
Samuel Legg, who murdered and raped his way across America over two decades ago and likely thought he got away with it all, learned that lesson the hard way.
From dispatch.com:
An Arizona man recently indicted in a 1997 Ohio rape case has been linked through DNA to the unsolved slayings of four women at truck stops in Ohio and Illinois, authorities say.
That a potential serial killer was trolling truck stops along interstate highways crisscrossing Ohio was first revealed 28 years ago in a series of Dispatch stories.
Samuel Legg III, 49, was indicted Thursday in Mahoning County on aggravated murder and other charges for the slaying of a 43-year-old Sharon Kedzierski, whose body was found at a truck stop outside Youngstown in 1992. A coroner ruled that Kedzierski died of blunt force trauma to the head, face and chest.
Legg pleaded not guilty earlier Thursday in Medina County to two rape counts for the sexual assault of a 17-year-old girl. He was extradited to Ohio from Arizona last month. A judge ordered that Legg, a former long-haul truck driver with what authorities say is a history of mental illness, be evaluated to determine if he is competent to stand trial.
I tilt my cap when credit is due, and props to Ohio’s bearded attorney general, Dave Yost, for bringing this scumbag to justice.
I’m against the death penalty in all cases, though it’s tempting to make an exception for Legg. At least he’ll have time to reflect on his enormities until he dies in prison.

An Ohio State Senator is $20,000 poorer today for blocking his constituent on Facebook.
From Jackie Borchardt of cincinnati.com:
Ohio Sen. Joe Uecker will pay $20,000 as part of a settlement reached in a lawsuit filed after the senator blocked a constituent from posting on his official Facebook page.
Uecker, a Republican from Miami Township in suburban Cincinnati, denied he violated Anthony Famby's constitutional free speech rights when he blocked him on Facebook following comments about Uecker's vote on an abortion bill. Under the agreement, Uecker does not admit guilt but will pay damages and attorney's fees totaling $20,000.
Uecker also cannot block Fambry from his Facebook page unless Fambry threatens or harasses the lawmaker in violation with the social media service's terms. The settlement expires when Uecker leaves office.
I hate “doesn’t admit guilt” clauses in settlements. You’re paying your enemy $20,000! Accept your loss and get on with your life.
I’m also sad State Rep. Niraj Antani (Republican-Hell) tried the block-quickly-unblock hustle three times on Twitter in attempts to throw me off his tweets. He likely settled for muting me. At least he knows I’d love nothing more than to sue his ass for five figures.
That he didn’t block me makes me afraid I’ve lost the troll fastball that used to strike fear into Twitter shitbags from Bill Simmons to ICP to Kareem Abdul-Jabar.

Few things strike fear into the heart of shitbags more than federal agents raiding their residence and/or office in the early morning hours of a previously nondescript weekday.
Such is what happened to Democratic Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish yesterday morning.
From Peter Krause of cleveland.com:
CLEVELAND, Ohio - The FBI and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation are conducting a search of the offices of Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish.
The offices on the 8th floor of the county administration building in downtown Cleveland were off limits, BCI spokesman Charles Moran told a cleveland.com reporter around noon. A person trying to gain access to the offices was told the area would be “off limits for the next few hours.”
Corruption investigators have served 17 subpoenas on Budish’s administration over the past year. The latest subpoena sought the complete email accounts belonging to Budish and several of his top executives, as well as the phone records of former Jail Director Ken Mills. The subpoena required the information be presented to the grand jury by Thursday morning.
The other officials whose email accounts were sought include Brandy Carney, chief of public safety and justice; Maggie Keenan, director of the office of budget and management; Ed Morales, director of human resources and labor relations; and Douglas Dykes, chief talent officer.
Budish, of course, claims he did nothing wrong as if the FBI routinely waltzes into government offices with a warrant on a whim.
Everybody knows my stance on Republicans. (Fuck ‘em.) That doesn’t mean I’ll go to the bridge for every elected Democrat, though.
On the totem pole of shitbags, I put corrupt elected officials right next to serial killer truckers. I won’t shed any tears when they’re frog-marched to prison.

As a child, I used to read history books and think, “Wow, I’m glad we no longer have to deal with the menace of Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan.” What a dipshit I was!
Thanks to the election of President Obesity, we now have to deal with a resurgence of both groups due to the racists thinking “their guy” occupies the highest office in the land.
The latest example is a potential Klan rally in Dayton, a city with a 42% black population.
From Chris Stewart of mydaytondailynews.com:
Montgomery County has received a permit request for a potential rally at Courthouse Square over Memorial Day weekend from a Ku Klux Klan-affiliated group.
Members of an organization that calls itself the Honorable Sacred Knights have requested a permit to hold a rally at Dayton’s Courthouse Square on May 25.
The people seeking the permit asked county officials if their names could be redacted from the permit but were told no because the permit is a public record, according to a county spokeswoman. The county is attempting to verify the names the applicants eventually provided and have not yet issued the permit. Permits are not granted without verifiable names, according to the county.
Cowardly men in bedsheets who give each other titles like “Grand Dragon” too scared to put their names on a city permit to hold a rally. Makes sense.
Let me tell you how this goes: Hundreds, maybe thousands, thousands of people will show up to counter-protest the Klan, and it’s going to scare off their small tribe of fetal alcohol syndrome survivors.
You can bet your ass I’ll be there. Plan on exercising my god-given right to tote a shotgun in public and look menacing, too. The abnormally close eyes of Klansmen make easy shooting targets.

Two area entrepreneurs are in jail today after giving an undercover cop a discount on psychedelic drugs.
From Lori Steineck of cantonrepository.com:
CANAL FULTON — Police officers in Ohio working an undercover drug case say they only paid for 10 doses of LSD, but the young men accused of selling it to them gave them an extra dose.
Stark County Jail records show that officers said Noah D. Jaberg, 19, of Perry Township, and Joseph P. Parr, 24, of Massillon, filled the bottle with 11 doses.
According to the jail records, Jaberg and Parr had agreed on the price of $90 via text before Jaberg drove a silver Honda Civic to a McDonald’s restaurant in Canal Fulton to meet their two “customers.” The customers turned out to be officers working undercover.
Parr handed the bottle to one of the officers, who asked for a ride to a nearby address. As they pulled into the driveway, the officer handed $90 — the agreed-upon price — to Parr.
The officers got out of the car, stepped in front of it, identified themselves as “police” and told the young men to place their hands on the dash. Lawrence Township officers assisted in the arrests.
Gotta hand it to Lawrence Township officers for not needing a SWAT team to take down these master-criminals. I’ll sleep easier tonight knowing the White El Chapos are behind bars.
THOSE WMDs. New Ohio presidential trail ties together state’s political history… Juul Labs hires former Apple employee to fight against counterfeits… Equifax’s stolen data hasn’t surfaced, raising concerns a nation-state orchestrated the attack… Amazon declares war on “dirtbag criminals.”