Game On the Line
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
Sorry for the delay on today’s dispatch; it probably will be like that on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday until things hopefully go back to normal next week.
Everything hurts on my body right now but I’ve come to enjoy being able to sleep on what I witnessed that day so I can properly construe the police abuse I’ve witnessed firsthand.
Sixty-three million Americans voted for a senile, criminal gameshow host to run our country like a business.
Donald Trump has always been a low-traveling carnival barker, which is why nobody with actual money respects him. He is a cowardly bully (is there any other kind?) whose only emotions are avarice and revenge. He sees the entire world through the view of public relations, right down to a series of unprecedented nationwide protests against police brutality.
Even President Business Deals was able to suss that hiding in his White House bunker made him look weak, which is something he can’t stand.
So hours after demanding that America’s governors “dominate” peaceful protestors lest he be forced to deploy the 101st Airbone domestically, Trump called a press conference for a photo-op.
He ordered peaceful protestors attacked before curfew, so he could get the side-by-side TV boxes of him reading a pre-written speech for the first time coupled with police beating and gassing protestors. In the minds of people like him, this is “law-and-order.”
Then he walked across the street for a photo-op with a bible, which from the looks of it was the first time he had ever held a book in his life, let alone one of humanity’s most holiest:
You gotta hand it to our dumb, big baby boy: He is the funniest motherfucker alive. Not a single comedy writer in America would have been able to produce dialogue like this:
Q: “Is that your Bible?”
A: “It’s a Bible.”
Christianity may be a fake religion akin to Scientology. I don’t say that to offend my Christian readers. I say that because I’m wondering how any vengeful God wouldn’t have smitten this bozo directly into the darkest pits of Hell.
Not even I have as much disdain for Evangelical Christians as Donald Trump. It is truly spectacular to watch Evangelicals come to view a serial philanderer and twice-divorced fake billionaire who made hush payments and paid for abortions as the God-anointed savior of America.
It’s almost as if their movement isn’t actually about Jesus or “all lives,” but rather religious window dressing for what they truly believe in, which is white supremacy.
Cops also love their hog of a president. They can’t get enough of him, which is why last night — after attempting to assuage protestors on Day 5 by kneeling and walking with them for a photo-op, the Columbus Police Department once again violently cleared protests after lying about receiving “reports” of property damage.
Like President Business Deals, they don’t respect journalists:

Ms. Pflegler wasn’t the only journalist threatened with violence. The CPD also had the courage to bully student journalists from The Lantern.
Keep in mind that journalists are explicitly barred from the curfew law. And Andy Ginther, Columbus’ cowardly mayor, can’t even control his cops enough to allow that.
Good cops Hard to believe that after what I’ve seen these last four days. Their shit-eating grins as they unleash Hell upon peaceful protestors running the other direction will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Sure, maybe 3% of them aren’t racist thugs who fantasize about beating peaceful protestors, but the rest of them go to work and call these jokers colleagues. And if they do ever suffer consequences? Then they’ll simply show up to court and “testalie,” which is what cops call perjury.
The cops have done their best to paint this as “outside agitators” as if people are crossing state lines to go protest when there’s literally protests going on in every state.
From Adam Ferrise of
CLEVELAND, Ohio — None of the 99 people arrested Saturday during the riots in downtown Cleveland that followed protests over the police killing of George Floyd are from outside Ohio, and few are from outside neighboring counties, according to jail and court records.
Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams, on Saturday, said he believed many of those who rioted and looted in downtown were not from the area and said on Sunday that some were from out of state.
Cuyahoga County Jail records, however, show no arrests of anyone from outside the state of from over the weekend.
It’s almost like locals have a legitimate grievance against police brutality that they or them friends have experienced!
It’s also offensive to the black organizers in this city to pretend they’re incapable of arranging this show of power. As if they haven’t been working for years trying to prevent what happened to George Floyd from ever happening again.
Are there white people there? Yes. As there should be. If more white people had been listening to black people, we wouldn’t be in this predicament to begin with. And if you go down there, they will tell you to put your white ass on the line as a shield for black protestors. That’s what the fight for racial justice looks like in America.
I have been arrested, beaten, robbed, shot with a wooden bullet and tear-gassed this weekend and I’m going back up to the Statehouse today. Yes, the Statehouse and a couple stores got knocked over on Thursday. But there hasn’t been anything like that since, and the actions of 2% do not outweigh the legitimacy of the other 98% who didn’t show up to break windows or loot a store.
I encourage people to come down to the Statehouse today at noon and see for yourself what is propelling people back into downtown and risk another beating from police. I encourage people to come get some tear gas in their lungs — yeah, they forget to tell you that “tear gas” makes your lungs feel like they’re on fire — so you can begin to wonder why municipal cops in America are deploying a substance that’s banned in international warfare on the same citizens they swore to serve and protect.
You will not see violence. You will not see looting. In fact a lot of protests can be quite boring. What you will see is what amounts to a block party before the cops decide they want their control back and exercise their monopoly on violence to achieve that goal.
The Columbus Police contract is up in two weeks. We’ll see which of our elected officials are simply talking about reform and which actually have the stones to gut the union contract, which is the only way actual reform will happen in this Godforsaken city.
I’m not holding my breath considering Mayor Ginther hasn’t even sacked Police Chief Thomas Quinlan. The CPD is a corrupt, rotted institution. And if these clowns in City Hall won’t take them on, then it’s time to find us politicians who aren’t deceived by the copaganda put on American citizens from a very young age.
See y’all down there today.

THOSE WMDs. How tear gas went from World War I weapon to police’s favorite crowd control tool… It does not matter if you are good… The anger behind the protests in four charts… The diet that might cure depression... Why power brings out your true self.