I was walking down Sullivant Avenue yesterday when I ran into Bubba, a Franklinton character who looks exactly like you’re picturing a guy named Bubba to look like, wearing the largest cowboy hat I’ve ever seen while sitting on his porch and drinking Bud Ice at 10:30 on a Saturday morning like a king.
He asked me if I was going to be at The Patio, a neighborhood bar which has operated since the 1950s, when it re-opens on the 21st.
Not having a bar within walking distance of my landlord’s house has done wonders for my sobriety if you can believe that.
I love The Patio and interacting with people who have lived in my neighborhood for their entire lives. I have dreamed of walking into that bar and saying why yes I would like a double Tito’s-soda before sitting down and drinking until I inevitably start ranting about the corruption within Ohio.
Thanks to the incompetent response from President Business Deals, I’m at the point in quarantine where thoughts of saying “fuck it” creep into my mind more and more.
This crisis is going to go on a lot longer since half of America’s voters won’t even bother to wear a mask in public. These are the people that make coronavirus as dangerous as it is.

These freaks have no qualms with covering their titties when they go out to eat. There are no protests for the right to eat barefoot inside Applebee’s.
Somehow the government *asking* you to wear a mask in public places is tyranny. These freaks want to be oppressed so badly yet would clearly die the second they actually faced actual oppression.
A lot of people have been deluded by the idea the government will announce a date in the near-future when everything will return to normal and we can go back to having sex with strangers or occupying crowded indoor spaces while drinking mind poison at a 60% mark-up.
I won't be at the bars. It only takes one individual to unleash a tidal wave.

South Korea has 44 million more residents than Ohio. Its largest city, Seoul, is a city of 10 million people.
Yet the coronavirus has killed 256 South Koreans compared to 1,203 Ohioans. We could have learned from their mistake in re-opening bars. Instead we chose to re-open our economy despite having nowhere close to the testing capabilities that helped South Korea’s conservative government ward off disaster.
Spending two-months in isolation is going to be for nothing while Ohio simply asks business owners to comply with public health orders.
From Rick Stillion of daily-jeff.com:
Patrons from all across the state of Ohio are visiting the National Road Diner on Glenn Highway in Guernsey County for something they have not been able to do for nearly two months — sit down for a meal in a restaurant.
The dine-in experience is a violation of the Stay Safe Ohio orders by state Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton in accordance with Gov. Mike DeWine.
“People are happy to come in ... sit down ... and eat,” said owner Vicki Brearley. “The health department is not happy. They have asked me to close and comply with the governor’s orders. I tried to comply with the orders for a time. But, I believe it’s my Constitutional right to open my business now.”
During his daily press conference Thursday, DeWine announced outdoor restaurants in Ohio can re-open on May 15 and indoor dining may resume on May 21.
Patrons who have visited the National Road Diner have reportedly come from as far away as Columbus, Lancaster, Dover and Caldwell — just to name a few. There have also been a lot of local residents visiting the diner.
I don’t need to see a picture of Vicki to know she’s white. A woman of any other shade would be raided by a SWAT team.
That’s not me being flippant, either.
From Joshua Kaplan and Benjamin Hardy of probpublical.com:
ProPublica analyzed court records for the city of Toledo and for the counties that include Columbus and Cincinnati, three of the most populous jurisdictions in Ohio. In all of them, ProPublica found, black people were at least four times as likely to be charged with violating the stay-at-home order as white people.
Freaks like Vicki are above the law. And in the rare case they’re brought to justice, like the salon owner in Texas who was used as a prop to create a controversy, it ends with them becoming a grifting-icon worthy of a six-figure payout from GoFundMe.
Vicki’s employees aren’t as lucky since they work for a small business tyrant who believes the Constitution enshrines her right to profit during a pandemic. Their choices are to quit and go job-hunting during a pandemic or go back to working in a crowded indoor spaces with strangers too ignorant to know better.
Ohio’s leadership has made it clear that they will side with business owners every time.
From Adi Robertson of theverge.com:
Ohio asked employers to report workers who stay home during the novel coronavirus pandemic, but at least one person is trying to clog the system in protest. As the state begins lifting its shelter-in-place orders, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) posted a form for reporting coronavirus-related “employee fraud” — in other words, people who quit their jobs or refuse to work because they’re concerned about contracting COVID-19. In response, someone released a script that submits junk data through the form, aiming to drown out the real reports from employers.
Ohio’s site is supposed to help it sniff out workers who aren’t eligible for unemployment because they voluntarily stopped working out of disease fears instead of being laid off. State officials have defended the approach and argued that employees can quit under unsafe working conditions or with a doctor’s approval. Even so, the form has struck local labor leaders and many people online as callous, including the hacker who created the code. “What I’m hoping is that, whether people use this exact code or not, they see it’s possible for people to take direct action against these sort of snitch programs,” they told Motherboard in an interview.
Their system lets anyone continuously auto-submit fake entries to the site, pulling company names from a list of Ohio’s top employers and randomly generating names and addresses. It’s supposed to effectively mount a denial-of-service attack on the investigators, forcing them to sort through spam entries. Activists have used the tactic to oppose other government systems like a form for reporting homeless campers in Seattle, although it’s also been used by trolls to take down assault reporting systems.
Wow! A hacker actually trying to help working people instead of ruining someone’s credit by selling skimmed card numbers on the dark web. I have seen it all now. If we weren’t in the end of times this would lead me to feel optimistic that some patriot nerd will eventually break into Sallie Mae and wipe every student loan record from existance.
I’m sure thousand of prisoners left for dead in our COVID-ravaged prisons will read Vicki’s story and think, “Wow, I should have tried that!” Now they’re stuck in prison since our politicians are too cowardly to do the right thing because they’re scared they’ll sign off on the one person who will use their newfound freedom to murder a pretty white woman.
The for-profit prison (a phrase that should be illegal) in Marion has become the state’s epicenter for coronavirus. Unlike Vicki, they’re not members of a politically protected class.
The prisoners in Marion are taking matters into their own hands.
From Eric Sandy of clevescene.com:
The incarcerated men of Marion Correctional Institution in Ohio began a food strike on May 6, protesting deteriorating meal services as COVID-19 continues to sweep through the prison. Marion is home to one of the most concentrated coronavirus outbreaks in the U.S.
As calls for mass release grew louder in the state capital, the 86 men held in 5-Dorm announced a food strike, refusing to eat the two meals provided by the prison staff each day. According to state records, 1,353 inmates and 175 staff members at Marion have tested positive for COVID-19, and 12 inmates and one staff member have died.
Austin Cox, 22, incarcerated at Marion since November 2019, says that inmates were still being served three meals when quarantine procedures began in late March: a bagged breakfast, a hot lunch and a bagged dinner. Now, daily meals have dwindled to a hot lunch (now called “brunch”) and a bagged dinner (like a bologna sandwich). A recent video on social media showed what a typical brunch looks like: cereal, gravy and two biscuits. What makes it “brunch,” according to the inmate on video, is the fish patty on top.
The food strike takes aim at the paltry nutrition and the broader encroachment on inmates' health and safety as the spread of the disease continues.
Honestly, I would rather starve than eat a bologna sandwich. Makes a hunger strike that much easier, at least.
I don’t know how anyone could come out of prison as a reformed individual after years of being fed slop and then left to die during a global pandemic when business tyrants like Vicki get to simply make up shit about the Constitution to avoid jail.
When powerful organizations have bad news they must make public, they choose to release that information whenever they assume the fewest people will be paying attention.
I figured Ohio State paying back the victims of systemic abuse within university confines would be good news. Apparently the university thought differently when they announced a $40.9 million settlement for allowing a sex pervert to practice medicine for three days.
From news.osu.edu:
The Ohio State University announced today details of a $40.9 million settlement reached with 162 survivors in 12 lawsuits related to sexual abuse by Richard Strauss, a university-employed physician from 1978 to 1998 who died in 2005.
An independent investigation launched by the university determined in 2019 that Strauss abused students during his time at Ohio State and the university administration failed to appropriately respond at the time.
In March, Ohio State announced a monetary settlement with nearly half of the individuals who brought claims against the university related to Strauss. All have now signed on to the terms of the settlement.
Ohio State continues to participate in good faith in the mediation process with the survivors involved in the remaining lawsuits, and remains committed to a resolution with plaintiffs, including a monetary resolution.
“The university of decades ago failed these individuals – our students, alumni and members of the Buckeye community,” said President Michael V. Drake. “Nothing can undo the wrongs of the past, but we must do what we can today to work toward restorative justice.
I hate thinking about lawyers arguing over the proper monetary sum to pay rape victims. That extra $900,000 didn’t appear out of thin air. That was the product of a university lawyer deciding that $50 million was too big of a number.
Do you know how much good that $49.9 million could have done for the university? It could have sent at least three students to Columbus on a full-ride scholarship.

THOSE WMDs. What happened when 15 boys were shipwrecked for 15 months… I just flew; it was worse than I thought it would be… It’s time to take UFOs seriously… The new passport-poor… The cognitive biases tricking your brain.