Gut Their Damn Union
Deputy Jason Meade should never have been given a gun and a badge in the first place.
United States Attorney David M. DeVillers announced Tuesday that his office would do what Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said was impossible: Investigate the fatal shooting of Casey Goodson days after the crime scene had been disassembled.
Yesterday, the Franklin County Coroner Anahi Ortiz issued a preliminary ruling that Goodson died via homicide from three bullets shot through his torso as if we didn’t know that already.
A coroner’s preliminary ruling of death by homicide unfortunately doesn’t automatically signal criminal intent. The tests were inconclusive in determining from which side of Goodson’s torso the bullets entered, though that could be resolved in 12-14 weeks when Ortiz issues his final autopsy report.
Of course the police don’t dispute that Sheriff Deputy Jason Meade fatally shot Goodson. Where the stories diverge is when the cops claim Goodson, a 23-year-old black man returning from a dentist appointment, “waved a gun at them” outside his grandmother’s house and refused to drop the weapon that, if he had (and there’s no proof yet that he did) he was legally allowed to carry as a concealed carry permit holder.
The NRA and Buckeye Firearms have been deafeningly quiet as one of their fellow gun owners was gunned down in broad daylight by a rogue government official. I thought that was the whole reason those nuts hoarded guns in the first place, but like when Minneapolis police fatally shot Philando Castile, that must only apply to Americans of a certain flavor of skin.
I suppose my question is why Meade was even in a position like SWAT in the first place when the guy didn’t cover himself in glory when he worked jobs with much lower stakes.
From Tara Morgan of
In June 2018, Meade was placed on administrative leave for a psych evaluation.
At that time, Meade was one of seven Franklin County SWAT deputies who fired their guns during a deadly shooting in Pike County.
In 2010, Meade returned to his Jackson Pike Jail assignment after being removed from the Special Investigative Unit.
One document states Meade never lived up to his potential as a good investigator and also had a confrontation with a corporal in front of co-workers that rose to the level of insubordination.
He received below rankings on his 2010 performance evaluation. It was noted Meade appeared to be content with only doing the bare minimum to get by.
Meade would have been relegated to the lower rungs of the totem pole in most professional organizations. Not with the FCSO! The guy who couldn’t even control his emotions in front of his boss was handed a bunch of military equipment — that by the way doesn’t even reduce crime or protect officers — and told to go kick the crap out of bad guys and toss their asses in jail.
Equally scary, this man who definitely killed a bunch of Muslims while defending American freedom in Iraq, became a pastor who regularly regaled youth about his times as the judge, jury and executioner on the streets of Columbus. Yet another example of what I mean when I say White Christian Evangelism is the politically correct term for white supremacy.
Perhaps you’re one of those squishy liberals that feels uncomfortable about slogans like “Defund the Police.” Perhaps you think it’s possible to reform an organization that coddled an ineffective employee and then put a rifle in his hand and sent him into life-and-death situations. To me that sounds like Meade contracted the murder bug in Iraq and seeking out SWAT and a U.S. Marshals Task Force were the only legal ways to scratch that itch back home.
Well, there can be no reform without gutting their union contract. I am militant when it comes to the labor movement, but cops aren’t labor. They’re not union. They’re the armed wing of the capitalist class used to protect their assets. Who are the first people to appear during a labor strike to break the solidarity? Cops, and it’s been that way since their inception. They are wolves within a movement of sheep.
The city’s contract with the odious Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #9 expires this month. Our feckless mayor, Andy Ginther, has already acknowledged that FOP #9 has stood in the way of progress while enforcing the status quo for decades. These bums didn’t even want to wear body cameras because it would make getting away with crimes harder.
The police had their chance for reform by the inch and they wholeheartedly rejected every tepid offer. Now the dam has hopefully broken for the final time. These clowns at city hall better play hardball, because it’s not like any of their members actually live in the city anyway. What are they going to do, Mayor Ginther? Vote against you from Delaware or Grove City?
If the city continues to coddle these crooked cops, then perhaps we should take after this 1955 sermon from Orson Welles:

Damn, what a blast from the past. And Welles is right. If an outfit like The International Association for the Protection of the Individual Against Officialdom ever comes to fruition, go ahead and put me down as a charter member as well.
THOSE WMDs. Biden’s lazy cabinet selection process is already off the rails… Take a wild guess where in the U.S. you’re most likely to be audited by the IRS… The Lincoln Project took millions of dollars from liberals and failed to persuade Republicans… The Lifetime KFC movie has left me exhausted by brands… Try this hinge and pull Kettleball exercise to sweat smarter.