I don’t know man I’m starting to think 99% of scientists were right about climate change being real and not a Chinese hoax.

Fun fact about California it pays prisoners $1 a day to risk their lives fighting fighters then bars them from pursuing the profession upon their release. Doesn’t make much sense to me.

The irony about President Business Deals becoming President is he never expected to actually win. He planned to claim it was a screw job and take up a new grift called Trump TV which I’m sure would have made Fox News look like a respectable outfit.
Somehow this idiot convinced 60 million marks to elect him to the highest office in the land to suffer any consequences for his lifelong habit of doing crime.
Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman of the Army, a decorated immigrant Iraqi war vet and “the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council” will testify to Congress today about our big baby boy’s attempt to extort the president of Ukraine into conjuring a fake investigation into Joe Biden centered on a conspiracy theory originally concocted by right-wing media.
Of course this is all just another deep-state plot according to Ohio’s top Republican whose main qualifications for the post were voting Trump and coming from a rich industrialist family.
From Darrel Rowland of dispatch.com:
As the impeachment heat has ratcheted up on Donald Trump, Ohio Republican Chairman Jane Timken has ratcheted up the rhetoric.
In an email Monday to supporters entitled “Coup against President Trump?” she said, “This is a call for all patriots to stand up to Nancy Pelosi and her team of gangsters in Congress.”
“The Democrats’ witch hunt is in full swing. It is just attack after attack after attack on President Trump,” said Timken, who won the job in January 2017 when Trump supported her over incumbent Chairman Matt Borges, who had backed John Kasich in 2016′s presidential race.
“Impeachment is all the Democrats can think about. They still can’t accept that President Trump won the White House fair and square! And they know they can’t beat President Trump in 2020.
The missive links to a one question “survey” on a Ohio GOP website that asks: IS SHIFTY ADAM SCHIFF LEADING A COUP AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP?
I’d be curious to know how Timken would like the patriots of America to “rise up” against the gangsters in Congress other than giving away hard-earned money to a fake billionaire’s presidential campaign.
People think I’m crazy for thinking Deals won’t go peacefully if he gets humiliated in an impeachment trial or loses the 2020 Election. He will scream it was a coup and his loyal jihadists will be forced to do the same because it’s all they have.
This would be a much funnier scenario if the cops, the military and 90% of the gun-owners of America weren’t Trump voters.

The Columbus Dispatch ran a weeklong feature about Sullivant Avenue and the drugs and prostitution and the beer cans in the laws that you sometimes see while walking down the historic corridor.
I liked it because it’s an area with people whose stories deserve to be told but I didn’t like it because it meant City Hall will turn its attention to the Avenue and their vision of progress involves nothing but luxury condos and mixed-use buildings when most of our residents have trouble affording bus fares to get to work.
From Bethany Bruner of and Holly Zachariah of dispatch.com:
As the mayor of Columbus walked past boarded-up buildings, past a prostitute perched on a trash can and digging through her purse, past beer cans strewn across yards, he acknowledged that the Sullivant Avenue corridor and the neighborhood around him need a lot of work.
“It’s not a place where I would want my children to grow up,” said Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, who recently purchased a $525,000 house in the Knolls on the Northwest Side.
Ginther met with Dispatch reporters to discuss the recently published “Suffering on Sullivant” series and his plans for improving the quality of life along the major corridor, which stretches west from the Scioto River through the Franklinton and Hilltop neighborhoods. He called the effort a “top priority” for his administration.
Thank you Mr. $525,000 House but other people’s kids do have to live down here with degenerates like myself and the city’s only answer for our problems to this point was letting corrupt vice cops rape women and intimidate witnesses.
Meanwhile those kids’ schools have been deprived of adequate resources your kids enjoy in some suburb Hell called the Knolls because you keep robbing their schools and giving that money to out-of-state developers.

Dr. Richard Strauss assaulted at least 177 student-athletes while working at Ohio State for three decades. Somehow criminal charges escaped everyone involved in allowing a predator into their midst and fail to do anything about.
One shadowy group calling itself the Ohio State Accountability Project is running ads to make people aware of the darkest chapter in university history.
From Corky Sizemaszko of nbcnews.com:
The group that dispatched mobile billboard trucks to protest Ohio State University’s handling of the Dr. Richard Strauss scandal released a radio advertisement Friday that pointedly criticizes “coaches and administrators” at the school for failing to protect male athletes from a sexual predator.
"You’ve probably heard the disturbing stories about Dr. Richard Strauss, who according to reports, assaulted 177 student-athletes at Ohio State," the Ohio State Accountability Project ad says. "But what you may not have heard is investigators discovered coaches and administrators knew what was happening but did nothing to stop it."
“For 18 years, Strauss abused college students and OSU officials looked the other way,” the ad says. “Ohio State protected a monster.”
“Our focus remains on the failure of the administration during Strauss’ tenure, and to this day, to properly place in protocols to ensure that students are kept safe,” OSAP spokesman Ian Prior told NBC News when asked if the ads were referencing Jordan.
While the radio ad targets the Columbus market, Prior said they’re aiming for a national audience. Last weekend, OSAP had a mobile billboard truck playing a critical video when the Ohio State Buckeyes took on the Northwestern University Wildcats football team in the Chicago suburb of Evanston.
Ohio Congressional hobogoblin Jim Jordan is not named in the ads. Former head coach Russ Hellickson gave testimony against Strauss but went so far in his defense of Jordan that he texted multiple wrestlers to recant their allegations which seems shady as Hell.
This group should start naming names though.

Ah man we’ve all been there that no-good feeling when you realized you left your keys at the scene of the chicken shack you just robbed while dressed as a clown!
From beaconjournal.com:
A man suspected of wearing a clown mask and using a gun Saturday to rob a Church’s Chicken restaurant in Akron was arrested when he returned to the scene after losing his car keys, police said.
Police arrested Alonzo Morton, 51, of 16th St. SW, Akron.
Akron police said a man wearing a white clown mask and holding a handgun held up the Church’s restaurant on South Arlington Street shortly after noon Saturday. Police said the robber pointed a gun at an employee, screamed, “This is not a game! Give me the money!” and then ran off with an undisclosed amount of cash on Pardee Avenue.
Police responding to the robbery at 12:20 p.m. searched the area and spotted and then detained Morton because he fit the description of the robber.
Now Alonzo is probably going to have to sit in the clink for the next eight years and when everyone asks him what he’s in the pokey for he’s going to have to say well my friend I left my keys at a crime scene and those were my only keys so I had to go back and long story short I live here now.

I used to eat bologna mayonnaise sandwiches as a child which is a honkey-ass meal for a honkey-ass middle-class white kid in rural Ohio.
I was a soft-headed child though and not smart and wise like I am now which is why I stopped eating that processed junk. But I can’t say that I’m surprised my fellow Ohioans are still chowing down according to internet research that sounds super scientific.
From cincinnati.com:
This might be a bunch of bologna, but apparently Ohio is the number one bologna-loving state in the United States.
According to the Daring Kitchen, Ohioans have been saying a lot about the lunch meat on Twitter in honor of #NationalBolognaDay, which is on Oct. 24.
American bologna is a lunch meat that usually contains pork, sometimes contains beef and sometimes contains both.
The food site says it used trends software and geotagged twitter data to determine which states were discussing the meat the most on Twitter. They searched for the hashtag #NationalBolognaDay as well as phrases such as, "I love bologna."
I send about 500 tweets every weekend about my football teams and I’m not even deranged enough to tweet some true psychopath shit like “I love bologna.” I’m buying more guns today in response just to be safe.

THOSE WMDs. Democrats have an ambitious plan to save labor unions… How things got so fracking bad in Ohio… Always be squinching and other tips from a photographer of taking flattering images… Congress still doesn’t have an answer for ransomware… As Alzheimer’s looms, Charles and Pam Ogletree take one last walk in love… Home-made pipe bomb causes death at a gender reveal party.