One of my favorite customers at the bar is a guy we’ll call Jason. He owns a pizza shop and always comes in smelling like he ran over a skunk in the parking lot. He drinks a double shot of half Crown Apple chilled and warm Jack Daniels, buys a stack of lottery tickets and then leaves.
One day we got to talking and he said that if you like alcohol you shouldn’t work at a bar. He had seen what it has done to people. Especially at this bar.
Thank God he put that notion into my head because I woke up yesterday after that horrific encounter with Old Racist Steve who casually mentioned his father had lynched five black men back in the 1920s because they knew one of them had “messed with a white woman.”
It dawned on me that it was perhaps bad for my overall health to have to be respectable to people who repulse me with an unlimited supply of Tito’s behind me. Then I get off after eight hours of standing on my feet with a wad of cash in my pocket, what’s the first thing I want to do? Sit down and have a drink.
This leads to a vortex to which any bartender can attest to. I would have quit yesterday if I didn’t respect my co-workers and didn’t want to put them into a lurch of covering my shifts until the owner replaced me. Instead I decided to hand my two-weeks notice in on Tuesday. Thanks for the life lessons, but bars are more fun as a customer a couple nights a week rather than spending 35 hours a week in a COVID death trap.
My girlfriend was elated with the news. And I said we should enjoy a relaxing night at her apartment and I would cook her some dinner. She said that was awesome. It was 9 a.m. and I was feeling better than I had in weeks. I should have known better.
As of this writing, it’s 5:25 and Columbus police helicopters have been circling the in the sky for over an hour. That’s because the Kentucky Attorney General acquitted all cops involved in the murder of Breonna Taylor, a black woman who was murdered in her sleep after police invaded her home on a no-knock warrant. One cop got charged for firing bullets into the apartment of Breonna’s white neighbors but not for the bullets he sent through the ceiling of the black neighbors above the apartment.
The message sent was very clear: White property is worth more than black lives. You would think that this would infuriate the “All Lives Matter” crowd but you won’t see them in the streets tonight.
Earlier in the day, Barton Gelleman of The Atlantic reported the Trump campaign was discussing a plan in which they would use claims of wide spread voter fraud to get Republican state legislators in key battleground states to table the popular vote and name their own electors, which would of course be as many Trump stooges as they need to steal the election.
Pollster Nate Silver, everybody’s favorite idiot data nerd, claimed the reporting on this was “thin.” That might be true if the Chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican party didn’t admit to discussing the idea with Trump in the first place.
Even if it doesn’t go through, Trump claimed yesterday that he needed nine justices on the court to decide the election if it came to that, which it will considering he has no chance in Hell of winning the popular vote and is on thin ice for a sitting president.
Trump confirmed the plot live on television:
What would happen if a cartoon criminal like Trump brazenly stole broad daylight? Well we got a look into that yesterday in Louisville when police allowed their buddies in white nationalist militias to prowl the streets and intimidate peaceful protestors:
I don’t know. I’m not sure my “I <3 Voting” sticker that was literally designed by a child is going to be enough to stop the hallow-tipped slugs shot at me from an incel 17-year-old who was radicalized by 4chan memes. Not sure chants are going to get the job done either. If I die, at least Resistance leader Nancy Pelosi will be safely ensconced in her climate-controlled bunker watching Murder She Wrote and eating a $16 pint of Jeni’s ice cream.
A common conservative refrain is that sure, George Floyd got murdered, by why are people in Columbus protesting when that happened in Minnesota? This is because the reactionary mind struggles to understand why anyone would care about anything that didn’t directly affect them.
KGB Stacey and I tabled that nice relaxing nights to hit the street again tonight. In no small part because the last waves of protests were rudderless ships that were quickly co-opted by grifters and attention-seeking teens whose best advice was to become a fucking cop if you wanted to see change in policing.
The CDP tear gassed a Congresswoman Joyce Beatty and City Council President Shannon Hardin. I have no doubt that photo looks nice in their opulent offices. They both made some statements about how change must be done. But then last week Hardin couldn’t even summon the courage to ban the police from using chemical weapons and wooden bullets on his his fellow citizens.
Then he has the gall to tweet meaningless horseshit like this:
No, motherfucker, YOU have work to do
This is what makes politicians like Shannon dangerous is that they’re good at using the language of the movement in a way that doesn’t alarm the white property value voters that he needs to keep his ass in power.
But that’s all it is with him and a majority of the stooges on city council. Shannon could ban the no-knock warrant that killed Breonna Taylor and cost Louisville taxpayers $12 million. But he won’t. Because doing so would upset the police union and he is afraid of being seen as a radical when all he is a politician entrenched in the status quo.
Since it is 2020, the website that I used to use to hook up with girls in Montana back in 2005 has morphed into a conspiracy lair that launders fascist propaganda:
The Columbus Division of Police is absolutely dumb enough to think Antifa, which again is an ideology and not an organization, is going send it’s top super soldiers to a city with tepid politics like Columbus.
Most likely it’s just some right-wing loser making some shit up for internet clout that will be shared among other right-wing dip shits who will take it as gospel truth. Unfortunately a lot of those idiots have guns and belong to militias and will see it as their patriotic duty to defend the private property of corporations from having to call their insurance company to get their broken windows replaced.
None of them will be from Columbus. They will specifically be coming downtown with weapons looking for any excuse to live out their fantasy of shooting their countrymen dead in the street. No matter how heinous the worst case scenario becomes, there will be millions of Americans who will feel they did nothing wrong. They will have six-figure defense funds within 24 hours.
So we’ll see what happens. If I do get shot, please feel free to politicize my death. I would much rather die getting dome-shotted on the streets of Columbus in September 2020 than starving to death in a right-wing re-eduction camp in January 2021. I can only hope when I finally and relieved of Hellword that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are still alive leading the Resistance. They’re is our only hope!