The truce with the odious centrists is officially off the table. I did the “responsible” thing, which was vote for the tax haven protector who eulogized arch-segregationist Strom Thurmond because I was told by Real Serious Political People that Ohio was a “swing state.” It’s always been Ohio, indeed.
I reasoned I would at least have Ohio’s child-designed “I Voted” sticker when Führer Geschäftsabschlüsse’s shock troops beat me in the street and threw me in forced labor camp somewhere outside Urbana.
Thanks to the fuzzy electoral math system designed by long-dead enslavers who didn’t even own a PlayStation 5, I might as well have voted for my landlord’s spare toilet for president. That’s how valuable my presidential vote ended up being.
COVID was the greatest thing to ever happen to the Biden campaign. Not only did Trump show his ass to the world one final time; it allowed the Biden campaign to stash the geezer of gaffes in a basement and keep him from talking into a live microphone as much as possible.
Even though it’s looking more and more like Donald Trump’s final stand came last week in Philadelphia outside a landscaping company that stood across the street from a dildo store, I won’t believe Biden won the election until he takes the Oath of Office.
Former President George W. Bush lied our way into two endless wars that have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. He spends his days hobnobbing with Ellen DeGeneres and painting shitty watercolors of animals in no small part because Barack Obama and Joe Biden did not ship his ass to the Hague.
It would appear Sleepy Joe hasn’t learned anything from the last four years in which Trump and his fellow low travelers looted our institutions and rendered them inoperable.
Hell, you could send most of them to prison alone on turning Trump properties into backroom parlors where private industry and government washed the blood off each other’s hands after they took them out of our tills.
Trumpsters are not bright people. The entire Trump presidency was a smash-and-grab and they operated with sloppy impunity that all but ensures the crooks failed to properly cover their tracks.
But no, Joe Biden has American History Propaganda Brain, which undoubtedly means he sees himself as a uniter like Abe Lincoln, who pardoned the Confederates and was promptly shot in the head by a hungover actor who almost got away with it.
America is apparently getting a president that thinks the federal government can’t walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. Like Biden is taking over some underfunded prosecutor’s office in rural Ohio.
From Carol E. Lee, Kristen Welker and Mike Memoli of
WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden has privately told advisers that he doesn't want his presidency to be consumed by investigations of his predecessor, according to five people familiar with the discussions, despite pressure from some Democrats who want inquiries into President Donald Trump, his policies and members of his administration.
Biden has raised concerns that investigations would further divide a country he is trying to unite and risk making every day of his presidency about Trump, said the sources, who spoke on background to offer details of private conversations.
They said he has specifically told advisers that he is wary of federal tax investigations of Trump or of challenging any orders Trump may issue granting immunity to members of his staff before he leaves office. One adviser said Biden has made it clear that he "just wants to move on."
If we “move on,” from Trump, that will inevitably lead to another Trump. But that was already an inevitability considering American voters failed to repudiate Trumpism as an electoral strategy in the first place.
But what “moving on” would really activate would be another round of unscrupulous advisors and lobbyists who would gladly go to work for the next flagrantly crooked president to come along who isn’t an insane speed freak who can keep his dick in his pants and actually quote a Bible verse or two.
Biden loves to admonish protestors about there being no place for “violence or looting” when the pigs murder another black person in the street. What he is effectively saying is he would bring the hammer down on somebody for borrowing $1,000 in electronics from a Wal-Mart and not on the white-collar crooked elected officials who took an untold millions off our hands.
I shouldn’t be surprised. This has been Biden’s entire career. His administration is going to be much like the last one in that it will be a figurehead president who is outsourcing the labor to his Big Business cronies:

Truly a list of voices crying out to be heard in America. Surely this bodes well for things getting better in America and not objectively worse.
However, perhaps I shouldn’t be so sardonic. There’s a good chance Biden might not make it through his term considering he’s 80 years old. That would lead to President Kamala Harris, who will at least thankfully be the first woman vice president in, uh, the 244-year history of the world’s greatest democracy.
Let’s see what she’s up to yesterday?

This is something I would expect to see after a pick-up basketball game. Not from a former prosecutor who has played up her cop persona her entire career chumming it up with a colleague who committed a felony in asking the Secretary of State in Georgia to throw out as many valid votes as were needed to throw the election to Trump.
At the very least, he is a sociopathic sock puppet that did a complete 180-degree turn on Trump the minute he won the election. Graham has spent the last four years spewing whatever lie was needed in the aid of Donald Trump, the same man that Biden and Harris spent the last six months telling voters was the greatest threat to democracy in American history.
This is who they are when they think nobody is watching. It’s two sides of the same coin chuckling amongst each other after they get done roleplaying for us rubes.
Take it away, George Carlin: