January 31, 2019: Mayfield Continues Blood Vendetta Against Jackson
Kettering cops cancel crime due to cold, Sherrod Brown kicks off his "work is cool" tour, and more.
Life is about choices, and choices have consequences. Choose your own adventure today:
To those of you that clicked NSFW: I’m sorry. I was born this way.
Another day, another Baker Mayfield story. You probably won’t be surprised to learn Mayfield will see his former mentor, Hue Jackson, in the deepest pits of Hell.
From Mayfield’s appearance on Undisputed, via Ben Axelrod of wkyc.com:
"If you're not with us in Cleveland, you're against us," Mayfield told Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. "We have division rivals and that's how I feel about it. If you don't like that, then you probably don't realize what type of game football is. So that's OK."
Even when pressed on the specifics of his relationship with Jackson, Mayfield barely budged. Asked in particular about a scene on Hard Knocks in which the former head coach "awarded" him the Browns backup job, the former No. 1 pick denied that he received the moment as an insult.
"They had a plan. They told me that before even the draft, before I even knew I was going there," Mayfield said. "They asked me how I feel about it. Obviously I want to play, that's who I am."
It’s a simple formula for Cleveland fans: Throw an enemy at our feet and we will trample them for our champions who win three games in a row. It’s taken Mayfield less than a full season to figure out what we crave.
I feel bad for Hue, which is wild considering how many hours I spent cussing the man.
In retrospect it’s hilarious Jackson went 0-16 and kept his job before ultimately getting fired by the Browns then hired two weeks later by the the divisional rival Bengals after a 3-36-1 record in Cleveland.
At some point, you have to tip your hat to the grift.
Speaking of simple formulas, can somebody nail this photo to the doors of Browns HQ in Berea every morning for the next year? We only have one more season with the K-Mart clearance jerseys.
I’m secure enough in my sexuality to admit that picture is borderline erotic to me.
My eyes are too battered by tech screens to tell if those are white or light gray face masks.
Let me make this clear to the terrorists: We want white face masks, and we will settle for nothing less. We are ready to die. Are you?
As the excellent Citations Needed podcast laid bare in December, cops love exploiting the internet to make it seem like pudgy, middle-aged people with mustaches and a monopoly on violence are cool and hip and totally don’t post on Neo-Nazi forums after a hard day’s work of putting brown people in cages for petty crimes and non-offenses.
Here’s the latest rendition from Kettering, Ohio, a wealthy suburb that mushroomed into existence when white people in West Dayton got scared by a black families buying a house on their block.
From Gary Willig of isrealnationalnews.com (???):
The Kettering Police Department announced on Wednesday that 'all criminal activity' is cancelled due to the extreme cold weather in Ohio.
"ATTENTION! Due to the extremely frigid conditions tomorrow Kettering Police Department is cancelling ALL criminal activity. However, our jail is still open and is a balmy 72 degrees and would be a perfect time to turn yourself in for any warrants and/or any other criminal activity you may have committed," the department posted on its Facebook page.
“Please do my job for me” is a schtick usually reserved for medicore radio hosts trolling for callers, or sportswriters soliciting emails for “a mailbag.” Sad to see a city’s finest stoop to that level.
Sherrod Brown, Ohio’s only viable presidential candidate in 2020, kicked off his “Dignity of Work Tour” in Cleveland last night in front of 300+ supporters who weathered the bitter to cold to listen to him regurgitate the same talking points he’s used the last six months. (They call that “message discipline” in the biz.)
Brown has credibility with voters in this state because we’ve been voting for the man for over a decade. Some of us for two.
Brown, however, lacks the name ID among voters outside Ohio. Hence the tour. At first I saw it as hokey. Upon introspection, I decided the Senator may have a keener political instinct than an obnoxious blogger from Piqua whose primary possession is an Instant Pot.
The tour allows him to differentiate himself among every other candidate jumping into the deep end off rip. He will be able to say, “I spent my time talking — and more importantly, listening — to voters in early primary states before I decided I was the only one that could answer their call.”
Brown, a fierce trade protectionist, faces an uphill battle with Iowa’s free-trade farmers who have been ravaged by President Business Deals’ trade war with China, which Brown supports.
From Jack Torry of dispatch.com:
Although Brown’s well-honed message of the “dignity of work” probably will resonate with progressives and union households in Iowa, his backing of President Donald Trump’s tougher approach to trade with China, plus the senator’s opposition to a proposed Pacific free-trade pact, could lead to a chilly response from Iowa farmers.
A survey of rural bankers this month by Creighton University in Nebraska shows that more than half in 10 Midwestern farm states have “boosted collateral requirements for farm loans” because of weaker farm income.
“Iowa grows more soybeans than any other state,” said David Swenson, a professor of economics at Iowa State University. “At least on agricultural commodities, we seem to be getting hit the worst.”
“I don’t know how Sherrod sells this message when he comes to Iowa,” Swenson said.
Brown isn’t the perfect candidate. His biggest liability is a failure to embrace Medicare for All in favor of pro-insurance company gobblygook like “ensuring access to affordable healthcare.” I also worry he lacks the marketing juice to stand out in a crowded primary field.
His biggest asset will be a credibility with Midwestern voters. The last presidential race swung on 75,000 voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin… and 2020 could be no different.
Brown’s tour makes it clear he’s chasing a certain kind of voter.

I’d be willing to sacrifice Brown’s Senate seat for the presidency. I am not willing to live with Senator Jon Husted in exchange for Vice President Brown.

I did not know Ohio had an Election Day law.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice Michael P. Donnelly (whom staunchly Republican Miami County elected because he didn’t have that dreaded [D] next to his name) will speak at our county party spring dinner in March. I’m going to ask him what Democrats can do to have this law enforced.
The Republican party professes a love for Law and Order. We all know why they won’t in this particular instance — see boomers Jim Jordan and Mitch McConnell ranting against a federal holiday on Election Day — but it’s an issue that should be pressed nonetheless. A 12-5 holiday would be a game-changer.
A lot of Ohioans dream of traveling to Paris, Rome, Budapest, or Tokyo. I dream of hiking in our newest state parks this summer.
From cleveland.com:
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources has purchased land for the state’s 152nd designated wildlife area to be used for wildlife conservation, propagation and habitat management.
The department said in a release that its Division of Wildlife recently purchased more than 1,800 acres of land in Brown County in southwestern Ohio. The property is expected to open to the public in the fall of 2019. It will be known as the Eagle Creek Wildlife Area.
State officials say the land was bought from the Robert Perin family for about $4.1 million and was funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Wildlife Diversity Fund and the Ohio Department of Transportation.
There are two types of people: Those that think Ohio is beautiful and those that are wrong. Have you paid proper homage in your travels? Sadly, the most likely answer is “No.” Let’s change that this year. Google “Eagle Creek Wildlife Area” today!
THOSE WMDs. A family’s story about betting on the Super Bowl… The rise of the swear nerds… You know the Lorena Bobbitt story. But not all of it… Feds used fake university in immigration sting… Stripper turned pharma exec gave doctor lap dance to get him to prescribe drugs… Online gurus who like things nice and tidy.