🐓 Joe Kennedy III is Coming to Ohio! 🐓
Hard to believe why the Ohio Democratic Party is getting its ass kicked.
My god it’s another Thursday. Somehow the days just keep coming. I remember when I was a kid… I used to dream about being an adult. Little did I know what all that entailed 😭.
The most important election for Ohio in 2020 is the Supreme Court in which Democrats have the chance to seize a majority for the first time since something like 1868.
If we fail to win this race, well, congratulations to us because we’re basically Winter Alabama at that point.
One reason for Ohio’s march towards Neo-Confederacy is the Republicans in this state are ruthless. The other problem is the Democratic Party has proven unable to organize a child’s birthday party let alone a statewide election.
And folks, I’m not feeling too good about our chances in 2020 if this our party’s idea of a good night out on the town.
This is the same state party that acted apoplectic when Morgan Harper declared her intentions to primary Congresswoman Joyce Beatty. But apparently it’s totally cool if Joe Kennedy III is primarying a Co-Sponsor of the Green New Deal from the right in a Massachusetts Senate race.
Like, what the hell is a Kennedy heir going to have to tell the good people of Ohio besides he’s in the fight for “access to affordable healthcare” — whatever the hell that means for somebody with cancer and no insurance.
Last year we tapped California Senator Kamala Harris for our seasonal dinner and her presidential campaign never got off the ground amid staffer infighting. So yeah, I’m starting to question the political instincts of our leaders in the state that I’m living in for the foreseeable future.
If you live in Ohio, congratulations, your electric bill is going up 85 cents and there’s nothing you can do to stop it because lizard people control our state government and care about corporate profits more than sensible energy policy in the midst of a global climate crisis.
From Randy Ludlow of dispatch.com:
The Ohio Supreme Court then agreed Dec. 24 to rule on federal-court questions concerning the bitter, expensive campaign between supporters and opponents of House Bill 6.
Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts spokesman Gene Pierce said the group will amend its complaint before Sargus this week to dismiss the action, leading to the dismissal of the Ohio Supreme Court case.
“We decided we did not have the resources to continue the fight,” Pierce said.
“The heavy-handed spending spree (by opponents) made money a priority. The issues were on our side, but we couldn’t match the spending they were doing,” Pierce said. “It really tipped the scales against citizen participation and citizen referendum.”
America loves a good Cinderella story because that shit is fiction. In real life in America, the cruel step-sisters win. And if they don’t win, they spend millions of dollars on racist ad campaigns to bamboozle voters into thinking the Chinese are trying to take over their electrical grid.
And the thing about it is First Energy did this in broad daylight in front of everyone. They bent state government to its will and passed wildly unpopular population and nobody will ever be held accountable except for us tax payers when we go to pay a bill.
Roughly 25% of Americans use drugs. That’s my scientific number and it’s based on personal experience.
One thing I have learned about Americans who use drugs is they will do whatever it takes to acquire drugs. If the police crack down on one drug, then users will move to other drugs. And so the game continues as we spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to prosecute and imprison these people.
This is something we’re seeing with meth, which has made a comeback after years of negative press against opioids.
From Zachary Schwartz of clevescene.com:
"Meth has come back tremendously," Brad says in a gravelly voice as he tidies the shards in a spoon. "It used to be $200 a gram; now it's like $50. And it helps with the withdrawal and sickness of heroin." He tears the tape off the paper with his teeth and carefully pours a fine mustard powder — "dog," the street name for fentanyl — into the spoon. One of Brad's friends, head mummified in a tight hoodie, adds: "Everyone got used to injecting their drugs — we do it for meth now too."
Brad squirts some lemon juice onto the meth and fentanyl brew to sterilize it, then extracts the mixture into a syringe. He yanks up his sleeve and points to a gory abscess the size of a half-dollar. "That's from meth," he says.
Brad stabs his forearm with the needle. A small red bead forms at the tip. He fiddles until he hits the vein. Blood rises into the syringe. He sends it back home and draws in a long breath as the hairs on his arm begin to rise.
* * *
Methamphetamine — a stimulant known for its ability to spike energy, focus, and sexual libido, and, more darkly, induce psychosis, days of hellish paranoia, and degenerate orgies — was first synthesized in crystalline form by a Japanese chemist in 1919 using red phosphorus, ephedrine and iodine. Today, production of the drug revolves around finding these chemicals or their equivalents, particularly from cold medicine, the most accessible source of pseudoephedrine.
My weed dealer lived next door to me my freshman year in the dorms. One day in the bathroom we’re making small talk and he’s absolutely shocked that I never saw anyone use meth at a high school party.
I’m like what the hell kind of parties do they have going on up in Whitefish, Montana? But I’ll never forget when he turned to me and said he had tried meth before. “One hit makes you an addict for the rest of your life and turns you into an animal for three days,” he said.
I’ve never been in search of another crippling drug addiction or looking to act like a werewolf for three days. Apparently those people are out there, though.
I toured the Piqua Water Plant one time and was amazed how our government can take raw sewage like the Miami River and turn it into drinking water.
Living in the richest country in the world, you might think our tap water is safe to drink unlike in Mexico! However there are some interesting chemicals in our water and they don’t sound good.
From Beth Burger of dispatch.com:
Tap water tests in more than three dozen locations across the country found toxic “forever chemicals” at most of the sites, including Columbus and Cincinnati, according to a nonprofit environmental organization.
In Columbus, a total of nine forever chemicals were found by the Environmental Working Group, totaling 16.4 parts per trillion of perperfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. For years, the chemicals were used by companies to make nonstick cookware, stain-resistant and waterproof fabrics, food packaging and more.
The problem is the chemicals don’t break down, which means they stay around forever, including in human blood or organs, once consumed.
Very cool! So not only does my generation not have any money or healthcare, we now have increased air pollution and our water is filled with chemicals our bodies can’t digest.
The Fourth of July is just around the corner, folks, which means the West Side of Columbus will be shooting semi-automatic weapons into the air all night. Many other places will celebrate with fireworks, which are legal to buy in Ohio as long as you pinky swear to transport them outside the state before lighting the fuse.
Ohio could soon do away with the nonsense.
From Laura Bischoff of daytondailynews.com:
COLUMBUS — Lawmakers are considering a bill that would legalize shooting off fireworks — Roman candles, bottle rockets, firecrackers and more — 24/7 on private property across the state, unless local restrictions are put in place.
Opponents of Senate Bill 72 say there is movement afoot to include a provision in the bill to allow older children to shoot off fireworks with adult supervision.
The bill is teed up for a possible vote in the Senate Transportation Committee today. A similar bill is also pending in the Ohio House.
The legislation is supported by Phantom Fireworks and Hamburg Fireworks. Opponents include insurance companies, medical associations and victims of backyard fireworks accidents.
I understand why people would be against it. But laws like this are only enforced against poor and minority people. The cops ain’t rolling into Upper Arlington to shut down Johnny Suburb’s $3,000-firework show. Get rid of the law and let people make their own decisions on which Fourth of July parties to attend.
THOSE WMDs. The big business of babymaking… The NBA’s engagement problem… How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime… To tell someone they’re wrong, first tell them they’re right… How many hours of sleep do we actually need?