My friend Benedict gave me a free ticket to last night’s 2-1 United States Men’s National Team win over Costa Rica in the downtown soccer stadium that I personally built. Boy, the wifi was almost as electric as Sergio Dest’s lightning bolt that I watched in line at the Donato’s Pizza stand like a goof:
What a surreal moment actually feeling any sort of pride about this country in 2021, though not even that goal could make me participate in a U-S-A. chant.
I planned to write The Rooster afterwards, and I still could considering I had a mere two beers over the course of the game, but you know what? I’m tired and I have to be at the casino tomorrow at 7 a.m. followed by three hours of electrical schooling so I’m going to take a mulligan on this one and we’ll go again on Friday.
God Bless You All, but especially those that financially support The Rooster.
THOSE WMDs. By attacking me, Justice Alito proved my point… The anti-trafficking movement is pivoting to Afghanistan… The man in the iron lung… Eric Clapton making this face… NorthSteppe Realty sued for failing to repay accurate security deposits.
If you hate the USA so much, you can move to Cuba or Russia or anywhere in the Middle East. No one is holding you up. Oh…but you wouldn’t have the opportunity to write and profit off your shitty columns. Hmmm…so you have enjoyed the benefits of living in a free country like the USA.