Marilyn Manson Is From Ohio???
From shooting blanks in schools to allegations of rampant racism to other depressing Ohio news you love and know.
Rattled to learn last night the famous goth rocker himself ol’ Marilyn Manson grew up in Canton and went to Canton GlenOaks. I shouldn’t have been so surprised given what I know about Canton and Manson.
It also makes more sense that in third grade the hottest rumor in my middle-class elementary school in Marion was that the famous goth rocker himself ol’ Marilyn Manson removed his lowest rib so he could suck his own penis.
I don’t think I could have named one Marilyn Manson song just that he was some dude who wore make up and dressed in black and screamed in his songs and scared the bejesus out of our Baby Boomer/Gen-X parents because that was antichrist behavior in the mid-1990s.
I definitely didn’t understand the concept of sucking my own penis though I’m sure I probably went home and tried because who hasn’t am I right fellas????
What I do remember is the Marilyn Manson rib rumor is embedded deeper into my brain than cursive writing the thing we spent a month learning that I no longer use in any facet of my life outside of squiggling on receipts.

Ohio baby! At least we’re interesting.
Some of you freeloaders need to pass a #dawgcheck and throw me a $5 monthly subscription. I’m leaving Friday to visit my best friend at Worldwide Hemp in Southern Oregon then jaunting to San Jose Sunday as Baby Billy and bringing back a Browns dub from the Bay Area after misbehavin’ on Monday Night Football.
The end of my midlife crisis tour (Seattle at Cleveland on Oct. 13th) is rapidly approaching and it’s time to replenish my coffers with the rubies of generous people who value a daily dose of depression delivered into their inbox every morning.

I don’t pretend to be the smartest man in the world okay that’s not true but I only do that as The Rooster. But even when I’m not hunched over my computer and walking around the world as Clark Kent I would like to think that even as a guy with no police training I would ask “uh what they fuck?” if my cop coworkers planned to fire blank ammunition inside a school during an active shooter drill which is already a fucked concept to contemplate.
From Billy Binion of
Police officers outside of Dayton, Ohio, unsheathed their weapons and fired blanks in Franklin High School on Tuesday as part of a misguided effort to prepare students for a possible active shooter.
The planned drill unnecessarily ratcheted up the intensity of school lockdown procedures, which routinely require students and teachers to barricade themselves in their classrooms. That the exercise was potentially traumatizing was not lost on the officials who planned it, as they came equipped with "Social-Emotional Activities," as well as counselors who could talk with any disturbed teens.
"There was a concern and it did cause some stress" among parents and students, Lt. Gerry Massey tells the Cincinnati Enquirer. Senior Samantha Earnhart, one such terrified student, said that she "became very emotional" and "started to cry" upon hearing the gunfire.
And for what? Regardless of the feverish rhetoric around school shootings, the phenomenon remains exceedingly rare.
Maybe one day we will repeal the Second Amendment or at least reword it to define a well-regulated militia explicitly as the National Guard. But even if we simply reinstated the automatic weapons ban it would usher in an era where people would read articles like this and ask what in the hell were these people thinking?
In my day they used to let any desperado walk into the school off the street. Now they’re locked down more than banks. And that’s still not enough. We have police officers thinking “well we might as well inure these tykes to the sound of shells singing in their hallways.”
Madness. Absolute madness.

It’s with a heavy heart I report the Columbus Police Department you know the one with a long brutal history of racism and bigotry appears to still be racist and bigoted.
From Geoff Redick of
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WYSX/WTTE) — Letters purportedly written by 14 Columbus police officers and employees were released by a citywide clergy group on Tuesday, detailing what the officers call racism, sexism and discrimination in the ranks of the Columbus Division of Police.
The anonymous letters, first published by the clergy group on the "Columbus Free Press" website, were originally submitted to the city's Public Safety Commission, which was set up in 2018 to study the police department's many facets and recommend changes to departmental structure and operations. Clergy members said that the letters were leaked to them after the complaints were not acknowledged.
"We've met a lot of them. They have been willing to come and talk to us," said Sister Barbara Kane with the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Kane said she had verified some of the officers' complaints as written in the letters.
The pages of complaints range from a white officer calling an adult black male "boy," to female police academy recruits being advised "not to sleep around with the male recruits" to protect their reputation. Many of the letters had generalized stories of black officers being "nickel and dimed" with discipline for minor infractions, or being passed over for promotions in favor of other officers or people with connections. One letter said gay officers were being "targeted," without providing specific examples.
Don’t worry y’all. This may sound bad but city council has blessed the CPD to investigate themselves and report back to us their findings. As always we can never be sure what’s going on in the local police department until we hear the truth from those in the force whose job is to make the department look cool and good.

I quit drinking for three months and that went out the window as soon as football season rolled around if you can believe that. Plus the whole ongoing midlife crisis thing too.
Anyway I’ve since reversed my teetotaler ways and said I should have 24/7 access to hard liquors if I’m living in this backwoods state of squares.
Shockingly it looks like the Ohio House might actually be reading my articles.
From Laura Bischoff of
COLUMBUS — State lawmakers voted 76-16 on a bill to legalize the ultimate convenience: home delivery of booze-infused ice cream.
Under House Bill 160, makers of alcoholic ice cream would be allowed to ship the boozy treats to consumers via delivery companies such as UPS or FedEx and ship the product to retail liquor permit holders to resale to customers.
To guard against under-age consumption, the package must be marked with “alcohol enclosed” and the manufacturer must make an effort to ensure the customer is at least 21 years old.
Congratulations to the 16 nerds that voted against adults being able to order bourbon ice cream to their homes. Remind me to research that list tomorrow and cross them off my Christmas party invite list. Last thing I need is some repulsive nerd like Niraj Antani drinking exactly one eggnog and puking all over my luxuriously appointed bathroom after sexually harassing three women.

If you knock over a corner store for $60 you will go to prison for multiple years. If you flood the state with highly addictive pain pills and unleash an epidemic of addiction the government will simply ask you to write them a check without admitting guilt.
From Scott Neuman of
Johnson & Johnson and two Ohio counties have reached a tentative $20.4 million settlement that removes the corporation from the first federal lawsuit against opioid manufacturers, scheduled to begin later this month.
In a statement released Tuesday, the health care giant said the agreement with Cleveland's Cuyahoga and Akron's Summit counties allows it "to avoid the resource demands and uncertainty of a trial." However, the terms stipulate that Johnson & Johnson makes "no admission of liability.”
"[The] Company is open to identifying an appropriate, comprehensive resolution of the overall opioid litigation. At the same time, the Company remains prepared to defend its actions," the statement said.
In a deal that must be approved by a federal judge, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay the counties a total of $10 million and to reimburse them for $5 million in legal fees. An additional $5.4 million would go toward programs to fight opioid addiction in the two counties.
$20.4 million to Johnson & Johnson is a loss that was probably recouped before the ink dried on the deal. And I know it’s a small thing but it infuriates me how these businesses never have to admit guilt for anything ever at all.
Interestingly enough another opioid target of the state is attempting to turn the tables on Ohio by correctly pointing to our politicians stood on the sidelines while these doctoral dope boys flooded the state with a fancy form of heroin.
From Darrel Rowland of
Ohio is suing major drug makers and distributors for their role in an opioid crisis that has stolen thousands of lives in recent years.
The lawsuits boil down to a contention that those companies should have known about the problem and done more to stop it.
But at least one distributor is turning the tables on the state, saying that public officials knew about the opioid crisis and should have done more to stop it.
“States, including Ohio, signed off on and reimbursed for many of the same prescriptions they’re now suing over,” said Gabe Weissman, vice president of communications for drug distributing giant AmerisourceBergen.
“Ignoring the role states have in licensing pharmacies, the information they hold from reimbursing for prescriptions and even the actions of state facilities in dispensing opioids, exposes a strong degree of hypocrisy when it comes to state litigation against distributors,” he said in a letter to the editor of The Dispatch.
I now understand why so many government officials are ready to take whatever number they can get. Because there is enough blood to cover everybody’s hands in this decade-long debacle and $20.4 million is a bigger than zero.

Another list measuring something other than “Most Relaxed Labor Laws for Small Business Tyrants to Steal Wages” and you might be surprised to learn our beloved state that is to say Ohio did not fare well.
CLEVELAND– A list of the 50 most miserable cities includes four from the state of Ohio.
Business Insider’s ranking puts Warren at No. 9, Youngstown at No. 26, Cleveland at No. 27 and Mansfield at No. 43.
According to the article, the publication used census information from 1,000 cities, and considered factors like population change, median household income, commute times and number of people living in poverty.
For Cleveland, Business Insider cited a population drop of 3 percent from 2010 to 2018 and 85 gun homicides in 2015. It used a photo of a house demolition from 2012 and the phrase “mistake by the lake.”
Don’t forget that Forbes called Cleveland the most miserable city in the United States in 2010.
I assume this list was put together before the Almighty Cleveland Browns bullied the Ravens in Baltimore.

The McDonald’s across the street from Ohio State’s campus is about the last place on that stretch of High Street where poor people and the university’s increasingly nerdy students can both equally congregate 24/7.
Given it’s open late at night when broke drunk college kids are looking for a cheap bite of processed meat and you have a recipe for a powder keg involving calls to the cops.
From Cori Wade of
Columbus Police received 992 calls in the past five years at Ohio State’s neighborhood McDonald’s, located at 1972 N. High St., according to records obtained by The Lantern. The calls regarded crimes that include minor disturbances, trespassing, thefts, 14 assaults and two robberies.
That’s more than three times the number of calls reported in the same time period at three other nearby businesses that are also open 24/7 and sell food.
“That is a highly unusual large amount of calls for service to any address,” Sgt. James Fuqua, of the Public Information Office at Columbus Police Department, said.
Seems like McDonald’s should at least have to pay an off-duty cop their standard rate of $500 an hour to sit at a table and read a newspaper and drink coffee so the city wouldn’t have to deploy cops to the property 200 times a year.
Cane’s Chicken routinely did this and yet a booming franchise of one of the world’s richest corporations can’t? I refuse to believe.

THOSE WMDs. The new realities of work and retirement… Cities lead backlash against dollar stores… How to eat healthy when you’re tired, sick or lazy… The Jewish guy who wants to make millions from Nazi memorabilia… Man confesses to brutal killings that terrorized South Korea, police say.