My friend has a theory that Baby Boomer men can’t cook and my god I’m thinking he’s right on the money considering they came of age in a time when women were expected to know how their husbands liked eggs for some reason???
My God. Y’all men alive in the 1970s need to go back and apologize to all the women you convinced it “behooves” them to know how to make an egg behave in six basic ways.
We’re talking eggs, folks. It ain’t like they’re hard to make and I feel bad for all the wives that took this advice seriously instead of telling their lazy slob of a husband to go fuck themselves and make their own eggs.

My enemies in the past have accused me of being mad online. Most of the time they’re wrong considering I’m merely posting online while petting my luxurious cats in a palace located in the heart of Franklinton.
But sometimes I am mad. And one of those topics is when we discuss what the opioid pushers did to my generation in the state I love. This shit was not a coincidence.
From Dan Levin of
The Minford High School Class of 2000, in rural Minford, Ohio, began its freshman year as a typical class. It had its jocks and its cheerleaders, its slackers and its overachievers.
But by the time the group entered its final year, its members said, painkillers were nearly ubiquitous, found in classrooms, school bathrooms and at weekend parties.
Over the next decade, Scioto County, which includes Minford, would become ground zero in the state’s fight against opioids. It would lead Ohio with its rates of fatal drug overdoses, drug-related incarcerations and babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
To understand both the scope and the devastating consequences of what is now a public health crisis, we talked to dozens of members of the Class of 2000. Many opened up to us about struggles with addiction, whether their own or their relatives’. They told us about the years lost to getting high and in cycling in and out of jail, prison and rehab. They mourned the three classmates whose addictions killed them.
In all of the interviews, one thing was clear: Opioids have spared relatively no one in Scioto County; everyone appears to know someone whose life has been affected by addiction.
3,000 Americans died on 9-11 and we launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s 2019 and our soldiers are still spilling blood and we’re still spending money. Opioids have killed more Ohioans alone in that time and yet what happens? Nothing.
And lest you think this is some anecdotal bullshit… it’s not. This plague has chopped our life expectancy for no good reason at all.
From Max Filby of
Ohioans from 25 to 64 years old saw their mortality rate increase by 21.6% from 2010 to 2017. The state’s overall mortality rate increased by more than 47 other states.
The mortality rate of middle-aged Ohioans has increased more than it has in 47 other states and a new study shows the ongoing opioid epidemic might be partially to blame.
From 2010 to 2017, Ohio’s mortality ratefor people ages 25 to 64 increased by 21.6%, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The study, conducted by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Eastern Virginia Medical School, examined data on life expectancy in the United States for more than a half-century and found that mortality rates accelerated just as the nation’s opioid crisis set in.
So why am I mad? Well other than watching former high school classmates succumb to the dragon of addiction it’s also because the criminal Sackler family that pushed this plague onto my state is not in jail but instead using the same tactics they perfected in America to profiteer on the Chinese.
The Sacklers view the China just like they did Ohio: Dumb, gullible people who are only worth as much as they can increase their profit margins. They don’t care about our misery. They don’t care about our death. They only care about themselves.
So am I mad online? You’re damn right. I wish politicians felt the same way because when you look at the scope of the destruction it makes 9-11 look like a child’s birthday party.

That annual magical time is once again upon Ohio. You know the one. That time where grown men go into the woods with guns and take pride in drinking Busch Light in a tree-stand and murdering deer.
From Paige Pflegler of
Registered hunters can shoot deer in the state through Sunday.
"This is the Super Bowl of deer hunting," says Brian Banbury of the Ohio Division of Wildlife. "It’s Ohio’s biggest outdoor adventure. Deer gun week is very popular. A lot of people from out of the state come to Ohio, a lot of people who once were from Ohio come back to hunt on the family farm."
Banbury says his department is hoping for a good turnout this year, despite hunting trending downward on the whole.
"Nationwide we are seeing a slight decrease in actual people engaged in hunting," Banbury says. "A lot of it is just we’re finding and hearing back from people they just need someone to show them the ropes."
Last year, nearly half of the deer killed in Ohio were hunted with archery equipment instead of guns. Banbury says that’s in large part because archery hunters have nearly six months to hunt deer, compared to just the one week for guns.
Yes it’s true I do believe in the second amendment. But it’s also true that hunters who use archery to slay their prey are much silkier than those that use the big guns.
Anyway here’s a picture of current State Rep. and former Montgomery County Sheriff Phil Plummer violating state law by not wearing orange while hunting:

And yeah yeah yeah I’ve heard it all from Plummer defenders. Maybe he took his orange jacket off before taking the picture! If you feel that way then maybe go run and ask him about that time he caught Rep. Niraj Antani sexting teenage girls and let him off the hook on account they belong to the same political party.

America is the only developed country in the world without single-payer healthcare. The tides are turning as evidenced by the health insurance ghouls that are bribing shitty state-level politicians to write op-eds under their bylines.
One example is my little buddy Steve Huffman who I feel vindicated for trolling throughout my 2018 Statehouse campaign.
From Luke Darby of
An aide to Ohio state senator Steve Huffman, a Republican, also confirmed that Huffman's recent op-ed attacking Medicare for All was written with help from Ohio-based lobbyist Kathleen DeLand. DeLand would neither confirm nor deny to the Post that she also worked for Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, but her e-mails to Huffman's staff included the group's acronym in the subject line: "PAHCF op-ed - OH - Huffman[3]. docx." The Partnership linked to these op-eds in e-mails to reporters, citing them as evidence that "voices throughout the nation" oppose Medicare for All.
If you oppose single-payer healthcare in America you’re either a stooge, an idiot or a billionaire. There is no other option.
At least Huffman is getting paid for his atrocious opinion. Not sure what the excuse is for all the miserable centrists who pretend to respect their private insurance company at the expense of marginalized people who die for the sacred sin of not having enough money in their bank account to pay for medical attention.

Rep. Joyce Beatty held some sort of event on Ohio State’s campus which is the one place she feels comfortable in her district on account of that time the university paid the career politician $320,000 a year to be a vice president for like two years.
Anyway her “district coordinator” decided to earn his salary by badgering an Ohio State student on their own campus about his efforts to canvass cars parked at the events for Beatty’s opponent.
And my god Joyce must be shooked if her district director is trying to cite Ohio State bylaws against an Ohio State student putting literature under people’s windshield wipers.
Joyce’s opponent is Morgan Harper. And it’s a good idea for you to know her name because she’s about to send a lazy career millionaire politician to the breadlines in March.

Well it’s that time of year when we love to order packages to our houses. Unfortunately most of us work and there’s also a minority of people who love to drive around neighborhoods and steal people’s packages off their porch.
The Centerville Police Department has some thoughts on how you can prevent this misery from happening to you.
From Judith Retana of
His advice? Check if a neighbor, who is normally home during the day, will hold onto your packages. He also suggests opting for in-store pickup if the service is available. If you live in an apartment complex, he recommended renters see if management accepts packages in their office.
“That way they’re not sitting out on the front porch waiting for someone to drive by and see them,” Davis said.
If you suspect a package is stolen, ensure with the shipper that it’s really been delivered.
“Then, contact your local police department and let them know. Reach out to your neighbors to see if anyone has their doorbell cameras,” Davis said. Those cameras are getting clearer every year making it more likely a porch pirate will be caught on camera.
For those still doing their online shopping, it’s best to wait until you get home and avoid using any public internet connection. That way you can make sure you have a secure connection and limit the opportunities online for people to hack into your information.
When I lived in Piqua for some reason I met with the Chief of Police. He said people told him Piqua was a place that people said they could leave their front door unlocked. Personally he said he would never live in a community like that.
But the main thing you can do to secure your personal property is to know your neighbors on a personal level.
That’s why when I moved to my new spot in Franklinton I made an effort to know every neighbor around me. Now if you try to run up on my porch and steal a package you’re going to have a problem.

Please you freaks… stop throwing away cardboard!!!! It’s ruining the planet.
From Laura Borchers of
COLUMBUS, Ohio (10TV) -- If Franklin County landfill employees were to stack all of the cardboard dumped over the year it would weigh more than 1,300 airplanes. With the month of December usually including increased shopping and deliveries it is expected to be the worst month for cardboard waste.
"When I look at the material here in the landfill, I see a lot of cardboard," said SWACO Communications Manager Hanna Greer-Brown. "What SWACO knows is that 76% of all of this material could have been reused, composted or recycled. So as a community we can do better."
Franklin County residents have been challenged to improve recycling habits, allowing Franklin County to reach a 75% recycling rate by 2032. That goal depends on fewer people tossing food waste and cardboard.
75% recycling rate in Franklin County by 2032? My god we should be ashamed. This is Day 1 stuff. So if you live in Franklin County it’s time to decide if you want to be part of the problem or the solution. Because recycling cardboard is not hard!!!

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