American society is deeply poisoned against the thought of anyone “getting a handout,” which leads to a Sinclair-owned, local affiliate TV station like ABC6 “On Your Side” wondering if an affordable apartment complex on the city’s north side “could attract a criminal element.”
Thank you to these brave TV journalists for asking such searing questions about an apartment complex that will only offer a partial amount of rooms for $350/month rent.
ABC6 reporter Bri Buckley speaks her truth to power when she mentions that “local housing authorities” have “no concern for safety” when they refuse to answer her bad-faith questions about their contingency plans for when the complex inevitably descends into a crack den of anarchy.
The hit piece then pivots a local housing official speaking actual facts on the matter before turning the microphone over to true facts on the matter… Insane people who don’t even live in the city that posted on the propaganda network’s Facebook page.
Looking down on poor people s an American pastime equal to baseball or apple pie, which is sort of ironic considering these same people will be quick to tell you that the country is founded upon “Judeo-Christian values.”
So it’s no surprise that a local media entity is giving a platform to people who don’t even try to hide their disdain for black people:
Carrying water for this anti-affordable nonsense would cause anybody with the ability to feel shame to resign. But ABC6 is clearly staffed by people who don’t care about any of that as long as the paycheck lands in their bank accounts every week. Does this sound like an organization we should get our news from? Not to me, but it’s clear that thousands of Central Ohio residents do.
Personally, I wouldn’t shed any tears if their HQ was fire-bombed overnight. ABC6’s hobgoblin owners and the sociopaths they employ deserve nothing less.
But that won’t happen. They will continue to go to work and they will continue to warp our neighbors’ minds into thinking that the problem with society is people who need subsidized rent to survive. That way the anger stays where it belongs, on the poors, instead of where it actually belongs: On the people who finance operations like ABC6.
Do we deserve better? Yes. Will we get better? No.
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