The Columbus Division of Police murdered a Black man in an emergency room last week and apparently weren’t satisfied wanton intimidation tacts that so they decided to fly a helicopter in a “CPD” pattern over a Black neighborhood.
To truly appreciate their psychosis please note the extremes to which they went in order to avoid violating Bexley’s airspace.
Bexley went ~98% for Joe Biden, which normally the local crime syndicate equates with the destruction of America. But even the one pilot cop who has apparently become the first in his department to learn the alphabet understands that Bexley votes and more importantly has enough money to influence elections.
Last thing the pigs want is to interrupt the sleep of a wealthy lawyer who could sue them. Suddenly the most politically active suburb of Columbus might start asking why we are paying $1,500 an hour to put a helicopter in flight so two racist suburban cops (redundant, I know) can intimidate a Black neighborhood that they theologically support as long as they stay on the other side of the interstate.
The Columbus Department of Police, the acronym of which the first literate cop in Columbus history couldn’t even get right, has more helicopters than their counterparts in Chicago, the city often cited as proof by right-wing freaks that gun control doesn’t work as if most people don’t have cars and the guns are coming in via the Second Amendment sanctuary of Indiana.
You have to live in a poor neighborhood to understand how often pigs fly in Columbus. It happens at all hours of the day. CDP does not give a single fuck about our circadian rhythms. I’ve grown accustom to falling asleep with the monotonous thrumming overhead.

Liz Brown is the daughter of Senator Sherrod Brown. She lives in Victorian Village. Like Bexley, there is a reason the CDP helicopters miraculously evade her neighborhood. If she had to deal with them regularly, I promise she would be able to find a more active verb than “frustrated” while boasting about legislation that would strip the cops of one fancy surveillance toy that would still leave them with 2.5x more than Chicago.
The way the cops justify their expensive air surveillance program is that it’s crucial to either preventing or solving crime. If that were true, the cops wouldn’t go out of their way to advertise that choppers are a worthy investment in the one time this year that they actually solved a crime:
I doubt the pigs will be advertising that two racist workers tagged a Black neighborhood with their gang symbol. That is the impunity in which they operate, that they feel no shame in taking a $1,500-an-hour joyride to intimidate a neighborhood that they take pride in occupying.
Evading Bexley, tagging Whitehall… these choices are not a coincidence. And yet it will be treated as such by the local institutions which employ ostensible journalists that publish copaganda like this story in Saturday’s Dispatch:
The 29-year-old had been texting back and forth with the girl for a few minutes as he approached the tucked-away hotel. He told her he wanted a “girlfriend experience,” which meant that he basically wanted to cuddle and snuggle and kiss once he met her at her room.
He had no idea, of course, that he was really texting a man — a 6-foot-4, 285-pound Grove City police detective with a full beard and feet the size of skateboards. The detective was working the cellphones and communicating by text with men who were responding to two online ads for sex that police had just posted.
Congratulations to the Grove City Police Department for discovering dudes be horny. I’m going to sleep soundly tonight knowing that a man willing to pay $60 for cuddling and kissing was instead thrown head-first into our draconian justice system and adorned with a Scarlet Letter.
Consider, also, how the police responded to Ohio State’s annual “ChittFest” on Saturday night in which mobs of drunken, predominently students overturned cars and started fires. I don’t ask, “Where were the rubber bullets and tear gas?” to insinuate they should have been gassed and fired upon. I only ask to draw the contrast to how the police responded to Black Lives Matter protests who weren’t engaged in actual rioting.
I tweeted on Saturday that you would be filing for unemployment if you tricked away $1,500 of your boss’ money like the cops did on their helicopter “joyride.” That was incorrect. You would not be able to file for unemployment after your boss filed you for just cause.
That is what should be happening to these cops at the next city council meeting. They should be dragged into the public square and forced to defend their untenable position and then fired on the spot. What would the racists do about it? Not like any of them actually live in the city and can vote here.
Instead the most likely outcome is the cops will talk to their parrots in the media and try to explain away publicly available flight path information. Their messengers will be white women, which makes sense to anybody that has read one book on their traditional role in upholding white power.
These are the conscious choices of the police state in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I was told the benefit of enduring mass murders every week was that our lax gun laws meant that Big Government couldn’t tread on us. Yet suddenly those self-identified patriots go silent as soon as Big Government treads on black neighborhoods. Perhaps anthropologists in a future generation can research what that’s all about.
The conservative National Review published an article last week sounding the alarm that Gen-Z and Millennials were not becoming more conservative as they aged like the Boomers. To which I say no shit?
The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #9 convinced the Boomers to make them one of the most powerful unions in America. Cops from all over the country travel to Columbus to learn how they bent the local Democratic machine to their will.
Well, the reason the cops are fighting so hard is because they know the demographics are shifting. They know their pensions are more at stake as generations not as susceptible to copaganda come to power.
Eventually there is going to come a day in Columbus when we elect a mayor who can’t be bullied by an armed gang of thugs who don’t even live within city jurisdiction. Eventually racist cops won’t be able to get away with intimidating a black neighborhood.
That is the fear on which the boys in blue fight. So we can either rise up and fulfill our role as their worst nightmare or we can live under their thumb as they brand us as such anyways. The choice is ours.
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