The Grim Reaper Wins Again
Mitch McConnell can go ahead and drop dead now. He has served his life's purpose to Empire.
Mitch McConnell’s hands deserve to look like something on a horror movie set. He’s a career politician who enriched himself while actively making life harder for people who have to work for a living. If Hell is real, he is almost assuredly halfway there.
He should have to reckon with his blood-curdled hands every time he even so much as tries to jerk off in bed in his opulent Washington D.C. house. He won’t, though, because McConnell made his deal with the devil long ago.
Republican sachems didn’t trust Donald Trump when he came down that golden escalator in Chicago to a crowd of raucous plants he paid to attend his first political rally.
Fox News even tried to put a shiv in him before his campaign got off the ground. Their viewers revolted and said no, we love this hog president. A lot of Republicans worried Trump would govern like a Democrat, which he had been registered as for most his adult life.
In exchange for Trump to keep the tracks rolling on the Federalist Society pipeline that would fill the lifetime judicial appointments McConnell had kept empty under the last two years of the Obama Administration, McConnell delivered total obsequiousness from Senate Republicans on everything from the federal deficit to corruption in broad daylight.
Last night, the right-wing project to reshape the federal courts — that, to be fair, started when McConnell was some political upstart from Louisville who was cheating on his first wife — came to its thunderous conclusion when Justice Clarence Thomas, who was credibly accused of sexual harassment and confirmed by ol’ Bipartisan Joe Biden back in 1992, delivered the oath to Amy Coney Barrett. Coney Barrett is another Federalist Society hobgoblin who, like Thomas, believes the Constitution should be viewed through the lens of 1787—as if the Founding Fathers wouldn’t have a stroke hearing about a white woman and black man sitting on their beloved Supreme Court.
Coney Barrett will undoubtedly author the opinion that overturns Roe vs. Wade. And she won’t stop there, next it will be “abortion-inducing drugs,” which people without a 17th century religious view of sex call “birth control.” (Oh, well, at least we can still trigger the Religious Right when they have to watch two lesbians hug on an ABC sitcom or whatever.)
She will undoubtedly side with Big Business over the Little Man, which is why their plunderbund raised millions of dollars for ads like the one that conspicuously appeared during the first quarter of the Ohio State—Nebraska game. (I didn’t catch the usual suspects ranting about the politicization of sports after that one; I wonder why?)
From David Moore of
The conservative groups spending millions on television, digital, and direct mail ads hope to shore up GOP support for a nominee who is expected to be anti-abortion, socially conservative, and favorable to corporate interests.
All signs indicate that a potential Justice Barrett would continue the pro-corporate tilt of the Court. According to an analysis by the nonpartisan watchdog group, Judge Barrett sided with corporations over people 76% of the time on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, in 44 of 55 cases reviewed. For example, in the 2018 case of Bruce Betzner and Barbara Betzner v. The Boeing Company, Barrett voted to reverse a district court’s decision to send a personal injury lawsuit back to state courts, the outcome Boeing was seeking. In August, Barrett delivered a ruling that could block gig workers from suing when tech companies deny them overtime pay, according to a report from The Daily Poster.
The real reason she is there is to make Bush vs. Gore look like a drunken teenager knocking over a corner store with a B.B. gun for $38 and handful of candy bars on the way out the door.
If President Business Deals has shown us nothing else, he is a man who believes in quid pro quo. Just yesterday he was bragging about how he would cut federal coronavirus aid from Pennsylvania because its governor, Tom Wolf, had made it difficult to secure a venue for one of his super-spreader rallies.
So I’m to believe he didn’t get a green-light from Coney Barrett before nominating her? Please. I can almost guarantee that was the first thing he asked her because that’s how his pig-brain operates. Then he probably got bored with the discussion of anything else and wondered off to go smash a reheated McDouble while taking a dump on the nearest toilet.
From Brian Beutler of, who laid out Trump’s final corrupt endgame:
There should be an easy remedy to this problem: Vote early, make your ballot impossible to challenge. That’s wise advice voters everywhere should follow. But in Pennsylvania, some ballots will still inevitably arrive after Election Day, and the remote-but-terrifying risk is less that they’ll be discarded, than that the Supreme Court will declare them deficient after they’ve commingled with the larger pool of unchallenged votes. With no way to distinguish “valid” ballots from ones the Court has invalidated, the state Republicans who spoke to Gellman would have the real, actionable pretext they need to declare the election tainted, and seek to appoint electors who would loyally cast votes for Donald Trump. The missing piece will fall into place.
Seems like their strategy is pretty simple: Use these “unprecedented times” as an excuse to ratfuck the election through the Postal Service and other voter suppression tactics, then go to your hobgoblin colleagues in the courts and get as many of the ballots tossed as possible due to “signature irregularities” or some other statute used almost exclusively to discriminate against traditionally Democratic voters in urban areas.
The most depressing thing is the guy opposing Trump can’t even say if he thinks expanding the courts is a good idea!!!!
From Ken Thomas and Lindsay Wise of
WASHINGTON—Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden intends to create a bipartisan commission to study overhauls of the nation’s judiciary if he wins the White House, saying that the system is “getting out of whack.”
Mr. Biden said in an interview with “60 Minutes” airing Sunday that he would form a national commission of legal scholars from both parties to review the issues over 180 days and “come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system because it’s getting out of whack—the way in which it’s being handled.” An excerpt of the interview was released Thursday.
Commissions are used by politicians to pretend that they’re doing something — anything! — to solve the issue at hand. They are used to draw the issue out and kill any grassroots energy surrounding the campaign.
And… this is going to be a “bipartisan” commission? Why in the Hell? Some Republicans don’t like Trump because he says the quiet part of their messaging out loud too much. That doesn’t stop any of them (and a depressing number of Democrats) from voting for his judges. Why even concern the other side when politics is about raw power and how it’s wielded to protect your people. Why unilaterally disarm?
I need Senator Sherrod Brown to pick up the energy as well:
Look, I realize that Brown is about as much as good a senator as I can hope from Ohio. But my God, name the names of your colleagues or shut the fuck up already! Because otherwise I’m forced to conclude you value your friendships with your Senatorial colleagues than you do informing the populace of our state, which you might not know includes a lot of other Republicans.
Of course this probably seems like typical Communist nitpicking when Charlie Brown Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are talking like this:
Congratulations to Leader Schumer, who apparently thought Republicans had any shred of credibility left to forfeit in *checks notes* 2020, the year they let millions of Americans fall into poverty during a pandemic while railroading a Supreme Court nominee who didn’t even bring notes to her confirmation hearing (because nothing she had to say mattered as her appointment was a foregone conclusion) into a lifetime appointment.
That’s almost as embarrassing as thinking people like Mitch McConnell, Rob Portman and Rand Paul give a fuck about having credibility from ol’ Chuckles.
I get angry with Democratic leadership because I don’t feel their own anger. It should make them viscerally angry that the Republicans just hit a 40-year-heist on our courts to ensure their minority rule for the next generation of unprecedented wealth inequality, impending climate crisis and a mishandled pandemic that will almost assuredly get worse before it gets better.
The best we can do is say, “Oh? Is pulling out my butcher knife the best way to get this serial killer, who has just strangled all of my friends to death in front of me, out of my house??? Well, golly gee, let’s convene a bipartisan commission to consider this very interesting question with no clear solution over 25% of our tenure of guaranteed power.”
It’s just a generation that never recovered getting their asses kicked by Ronald Reagan. I almost can’t blame them. Getting your shit packed in by a gun-grabbing Californian actor with dementia would be pretty debilitating even before Michael Dukakis got caught looking goofy in that tank and before he got buried by one of the most racist political ads in modern politics.
I’m done with any Democrat that talks about “reaching across the aisle” or any that use that odiously bankrupt word of “bipartisanship.”
These right-wing ghouls have to be eradicated from every level of the government. There is no other option. We have a conservative party in America, and it’s called the Democratic Party. The Republicans must be hauled from the halls of power, kicking and screaming like a child throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store since that’s what they are, and chucked into the nearest dumpster and left to rot to death.
Vote for Joe Biden or don’t. I’m not sucking your dick either way. But our work doesn’t end on November 3rd.
Win or lose, it’s only just beginning.