The Id of the Ohio Trumpster
Remember: Any presidential poll from Ohio will inevitably undervalue the rural freaks that still love Trump.
The stretch from mid-September to Mid-October is the best month of weather in Ohio and it’s not even close. The only problem is the sunset time is moving in the wrong direction. It’s getting darker earlier and earlier and I don’t like it. If we lived in a functioning society it would be illegal for the sun to set before 9 p.m.
The only thing saving me from the most brutal winter of my cursed 33 years on this planet is Ohio State throwing Dabo Swinney in the Gulf of Mexico and the 8-8 Cleveland Browns winning the Super Bowl after playing rope-a-dope with the pretenders during the regular season.
Donald Trump came to Toledo and Dayton last night. This article was written before he took the podium. The nice thing is I’m smart enough to know the president will go on a drug-addled rant while spewing a cacophony of racist horseshit, conspiracy theories and outright lies that his cultists will accept as gospel.
I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t live at the foot of The Cross like my friend Hilliard Neil often advises me to do. But I have read the Bible three times in my life. I’m unsure if Jesus of Nazareth was actually the divine son of God but I do know he would be welcome to bark with us freaks in the Bottoms at any time.
I don’t understand how in the Hell any Christian could square Jesus’ gospel with a Godless career criminal who has undoubtedly paid for multiple abortions and used campaign cash to silence a stripper squealing about his sexcapades. Then I remember that a large sect of Christians think Jesus looked like a white factory worker from Parma which explains the white supremacy undertones of their religious window dressing.
Like yes, nobody is perfect. I do understand that Christians also believe God can use imperfect people to advice His agenda. But Jesus it’s disheartening to see a towering moron like President Business Deals get elevated as a Christ-like deity.

One of the 10,000 depressing things about being condemned to die in Ohio during a pandemic is that around every corner lurks a chud that wants to advertise that he thinks the 17-year-old militia cosplayer who traveled across state lines and shot two people in the back did nothing wrong.
A lot of liberals who watched West Wing think that we’re one Aaron Sorkin-monologue away from Republicans having an epiphany. The truth is there is nothing in the world that could change his world view. He is a grown ass man willing to brazenly support a murderer in broad daylight. Now think about how many people at this rally saw that shirt and silently agreed with the notion.
Searing insight into how the reactionary mind works. I would love to see someone hand Donald Trump a handgun and ask him to draw down the range in no small part because there is a 30% chance he would accidentally shoot himself in the greatest karmic stroke in the history of the world.
The next two people in that picture set have been poisoned with that terrible disease known as “Rugged American individualism.” Where as far leftists want to commit high crimes like reduce wealth inequality and ensure that every American has health insurance, the far right other ideology than owning the libs. It’s hilarious until you remember that this childish attitude makes them more ruthless political operators than the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
The last shirt might as well be wishing for Bigfoot and Elvis to join another remix of Old Town Road. The glory days of the 1960s when you could walk around the corner and choose about one of four factories that paid a living wage are over. The manufacturing barons declared long ago no worker more overpaid than an American and they will always be able to exploit the next developing country for a cheaper labor pool.
Even if the glory days were capable of being back, it sure as hell wouldn’t come behind a senile corporatist like Donald Trump who would rather kill himself than work a week on any factory floor in America.
I lived in Rural Ohio for two years. I’d like to think this gave me searing insight into the average resident, but as my enemies will be the first to tell you the voters said fuck you binch and threw me in an Outback Steakhouse dumpster along I-75.
A lot of people out there see government as their enemy if it’s trying to do anything other than subsidize corn farmers.
I understand that not everyone is going to see the world my way, though it would be a lot easier if they did. But to me, when I looked around rural Ohio, I saw working people being squeezed at every angle. To me, rural America needs Big Government to prevent the institutional rot that capitalism has brought to the region.
Ohio, like many places across the country, didn’t have enough child care options before coronavirus struck. The problem is more acute in the state's rural areas, where parents have to travel further and the number of licensed centers – predominantly run by women – has steadily declined for more than a decade, according to state data obtained by The Fuller Project.
When Geneseo opened her small, home-based child care center in 1999 there were more than 370 centers like hers serving an 11-county swath of counties clustered at the state’s southern tip, which borders both West Virginia and Kentucky. Earlier this year, there were approximately 60 centers, a decline of more than 80%, according to licensing data provided by the Corporation for Appalachian Development (COAD), a nonprofit with a mission to improve the quality of life in Appalachian Ohio.
The pandemic is rapidly accelerating closures, widening a child care gap in a region where more than a quarter of all children under 12 live in poverty, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Appalachian Ohio has yet to rebound from the economic blows dealt by the Great Recession and the opioid epidemic, which obliterated an already depressed workforce.
I look at my life and I’m like holy shit dude get it together. Like most people, I am not well right now. But then I think, my God, for as much as everything sucks right now — what would I do if I were a rural father who couldn’t find adequate child care when I’m supposed to be at my job that already overpays and underworks me.
It breaks my heart. The richest society in this history of the world and for what? We can’t even provide working parents with equitable childcare. Then these rotting dinosaurs want to get on television and have the audacity to wonder why young Americans aren’t producing children. Why in the fuck would I pull some mope out of the ether and imprison him in a case of moldy bologna in a dying empire that could only produce $1,2000 for everyday citizens in the midst of a once-in-a-life time pandemic and historic economic collapse.
If you have never been to Mt. Gilead, be thankful. The best thing I can say about it is it’s on the road to the City of Kings and I’ll always remember my poor Swahili professor who moved from Kenya and chose to live in Mt. Gilead because the mountains would remind him of his homeland. Man was he wrong.
Anyway, I have always contended that Morrow County would make a great setting for a haunted county run by powerful demons. For example, the top law enforcement officer in the county seems like he should be far removed from any societal power.
How much incompetence can one county jail exhibit, and continue to operate? A jail break Tuesday (September 8th) from the Morrow County Correctional Facility in Mt. Gilead should be the last straw.
Despite warnings this would happen, the Morrow County Correctional Facility (MCCF) became 100% COVID-positive this year. Since the jail doubles as a federal detention center for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), MCCF became the first 100% COVID-positive ICE facility in the nation.
Now, with two jailbreaks and a suicide in the past few weeks, one has to wonder: When will the Morrow County Commissioners, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, or anyone else with authority step in and say enough is enough, this jail needs to close?
“Maybe Sheriff (John) Hinton thought no one would notice his corner-cutting and incompetence,” said Lynn Tramonte, Director of Ohio Immigrant Alliance. “But it’s hard to cover up one suicide, two jailbreaks, and a 100% COVID infection rate in a matter of months – although he certainly tried. If Morrow County can’t manage a jail, it shouldn’t be in charge of one. To protect public health and safety, the Morrow County Correctional Facility must close.”
I’m unsure of how Morrow County Correctional Facility will rehabilitate the guilty criminals and the inevitable innocent inmates that populate every jail and prison in America. What message is it sending where the psychos who guard me had three months to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak and basically shrugged and said, “If they die, they die.”
I remember when I had court and we accused criminals were all in line waiting for the elevator because it could only take three people at a time. The clerks or whatever were yelling at us to “keep six feet away from each other” while they were literally standing side by side.
A six foot radius is a much bigger space than most people would realize. Turns that even with perfect social distancing, this renegade virus can infect people over six feet away.
From John Bacon of
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which quietly changed its guidance on coronavirus transmission through the air Friday, reversed field again Monday.
Sort of.
On Friday, the CDC posted an update on its website saying six feet may not be sufficient to keep people safe and that ventilation was key to easing transmission indoors. That determination could be crucial for schools where desks are now set up six feet apart. Offices, restaurants and even church services also could be affected by the change.
“There is growing evidence that droplets and airborne particles can remain suspended in the air and be breathed in by others, and travel distances beyond 6 feet (for example, during choir practice, in restaurants, or in fitness classes),” the agency said. “In general, indoor environments without good ventilation increase this risk.”
Ah! It may or may not! Glad our nation’s top scientists just decided to say eh fuck it we don’t know either way. Again, my heart breaks for our nation’s parents of schoolchildren this year who aren’t rich enough to hire private teachers and convert the old shed into a one-room school.
Teaching Zoom to eight-year-olds is a fucking disaster and yet the other option is sending your child into a COVID death-trap which never had a chance of keeping kids six feet away from each other in the first place.
It’s inevitable that tens of thousands of American kids are going to fall through the cracks this year and never return. And they’ll lose out on the best chance they’ll ever have of escaping the cycle of poverty. Not that the ruling class will mind
My girlfriend isn’t one of those 2nd Amendment armageddon types, but she does know how to shoot a man dead which is rather odious foreshadowing for the final act of my life.
She was at the bar the other day watching how the world’s hardest-working bartender makes the magic happen. She was talking to a west side warrior and mentioned that she was interested in purchasing a .22 caliber revolver. I’m thinking, OK, I’ve survived worse threats than a .22 slug to the chest I’m not officially concerned just yet.
The warrior mentions to CIA Agent Penny that she should go to the West Side Gun Show. I’m like oh hell yeah this is going to be good. Apparently every month at the Westland Mall a bunch of capitalists flood the former Westland Mall with enough weapons to invade a small country. It’s $10 to park and $10 to get in.
What better time to buy a gun than in a pandemic? Her and I were going to go check it out Sunday but then I got drunk Tuesday night and agreed to cover a shift for my co-worker on account of what is the point of a fall Sunday if the Browns already deposited that week’s W on Thursday night.
Given the timeline of events this year, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that my coworker saved me or my girlfriend’s life by choosing to attend her friend’s baby shower rather than bark with the freaks.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Franklin County Sheriff's Office has identified a man shot and killed outside Westland Mall Sunday afternoon.
Deputies and medics responded to a shooting in the mall parking lot around 4 p.m.
The man, 21-year-old Sage Martin, was found shot multiple times on the sidewalk in front of the building. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
21 years old and the last thing he saw was the bleak parking lot of a largely abandoned mall. That’s a tragedy no matter the circumstances that led to a young man losing his life.

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