Last I saw Governor Mike DeWine in action, he was trying to pass some asinine anti-abortion bill that would make a 16-year-old have the baby of her rapist. Last I saw Ohio liberals in action, they were saying it was time to drink wine with DeWine.
I remember back in March when Arnold Schwarzenegger was trying to hold an international steroid exhibit in downtown Columbus and the Columbus Blue Jackets swore they could host 16,000 folks in their stands thanks to their “special ventilation system.”
For that glorious month, Ohio led the country in response to the invisible bat virus. Then Governor DeWine activated the National Guard to beat racial justice protestors in the street while allowing armed anti-Semitic militias to carry assault rifles outside her house and bully her out of a position of public prominence.
Since then, the results have been predictable:
Keep in mind this scenario — nearly 6,000 new cases a day (in what assuredly is an official undercount) is something that coronavirus truthers once swore was impossible considering Ohio isn’t as dense with population as Italy. (I guess they forgot Ohio is a state within a massive country much bigger than Italy). The virus has now killed 5,623 Ohioans — more than the number of Americans that died on 9/11, that fateful event in which we invaded two farflung countries for two decades and counting. If only the virus was Muslim, we might have gotten somewhere by now.
Instead, DeWine has basically acquiesced to the true power in this state: Business owners. We went months without a public health director because of what DeWine let happen to Dr. Amy Acton. As a result, our new health director is a lawyer with zero experience with contagious diseases. But hey, she hates abortion so that’s good enough for our hobgoblin state.
DeWine’s famous pressers, the ones liberals used to enjoy so much, have been reduced to him groveling before the state to come together as Ohioans to defeat the virus. It’s as if he’s some random asshole off the street who uses toner in his hair and not the most powerful politician in the realm.
Yesterday, he called a statewide press conference. In a functioning society, it would have been to close bars and restaurants and use the rainy day fund to pay off the owners and workers in those industries.
Instead, he used his platform for another pep talk. Or so I thought!

I love Andrew Tobias as he is one of the few political reporters that has drank Tito’s out of the bottle with me in a Franklinton kitchen while I ranted about the corruption of Larry Householder (that turned out to be entirely correct for those scoring at home). I do not mean this as an attack on one of the best political reporters in the state.
But I would point out DeWine is not threatening retailers. He loves sucking the penis of Big Business and would never do such a monstrous thing as threaten an industry. What he is effectively doing is threatening the low-wage workers.
The CEO of Staples won’t be confronting his crackpot voters who refer to masks as “face diapers.” That job will be tasked to an hourly employee who is only working their job because it’s their only means of paying the energy monopoly to heat their living quarters throughout the winter of a global pandemic.
Keep in mind they will have to talk tough to the same people upon which they rely for their income. Keep in mind they will be trying to use logic on lunatics who take their pandemic news from conspiracy theory groups on Facebook. And keep in mind a lot of those lunatics are legally allowed to carry murder machines upon their person.
Back in June, DeWine had an 81% approval among Democrats in Ohio. Knowing these idiots, it’s probably only slipped to 75%.
If that isn’t enough to get you to leave the state, well, you’re like me: Somebody with no other option but to live among the dipshits in the most cursed state in the union.