Well the pride in Ohio thanks to the Buckeyes and Browns was nice when it lasted. Unfortunately today it’s like waking up naked in a cave and remembering that, holy shit, you’re a nude hermit with a state government that' wants to eradicate your simple way of life.
Our freak governor desperately wants to stave off a primary challenge from the likes of former Senate candidate Jim Rennaci. So, in the middle of a pandemic with Ohio having one of the worst vaccination rates in the country, our governor decided to sign a bill mandating funerals or cremations of fetal tissue after an abortion.
It’s real sick stuff, and they do that because it requires death certificates which are public record as another way to shame a woman for undergoing a medical procedure that’s safer than childbirth.
But he didn’t stop there! Yesterday, he caved to legislators and betrayed the victims of the Dayton massacre by signing the “Stand Your Ground” law into existence, which eliminates the duty to retreat in life-threatening situations.
The Urban Institute concluded these laws allow a white shooter to have a 350% more likely chance to have their murder ruled “justified” when the victim is black. It’s going to empower the worst kind of gun nuts who openly fantasize about shooting armed criminals in their house.
Dayton mayor Nan Whaley probably regrets telling protestors to stop chanting “Do something” when DeWine appeared at a vigil in the Gem City and promised to do something. He is not a good dude and never has been and Whaley was foolish for thinking otherwise.
The Ohio Legislature is back in session, which is always bad news for Ohio’s who actually have to work for a living. Some highlights:
New Senate President Matt Huffman (R-Lima) contracted coronavirus and said “he figured he would eventually get it” and that he’s “not worried” (probably because he has quality health insurance and access to good doctors).
Rep. John Cross (R-Kenton), fresh of his bout with coronavirus, was seen walking around the Statehouse without a mask.
Senator Niraj Antani (R-Sewer) still looks like a pile of shit, so that’s good at least.
Most troubling, Larry Householder (R-Glenford) is still drawing a salary as a state legislator after winning re-election despite being indicted for the largest bribery scheme in state history (that we know about it). He too could not be troubled to wear a mask.
New Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima) says that legislators will “discuss” possibly expelling Householder. Considering he has yet to do anything about HB-6, the worst energy law of the 21st century, I’m not expecting anything to be done to Householder because a guy like him undoubtedly knows where some bodies are buried with the corruption that has flowed out of the Statehouse over the years.
These freaks are only accountable to Republican voters who live within the alternate reality created by billionaire-funded right-wing echo chambers. Their politics boil down to “make the libs cry.” They do not care how many people die in this plague and many of them have already gone to the grave denying their reality as they die alone in a hospital while their families watch on an iPad.
They are so smug and condescending because they have gotten away with it. They laugh at their private parties while they keep us in the dark and feed us shit like we’re a batch of mushrooms.
The pandemic isn’t going away anytime soon and it breaks my heart to think that. We are getting sold out by boring incompetent criminals. And given the radicalization of their voters only ensures we will send even more frightening hobgoblins to the hall of power. But hey, at least we got the Buckeyes and Browns, baby!
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