I’m voting for Joe and Adrienne. Have met them both and both are great. Joe isn’t polished but he truly cares, and he knows more of how the sausage is made than I think most people assume.

Ginther’s ads are a total embarrassment. His videos claim he’s been tirelessly fighting crime… I literally lol’d. Then this flyer… the best two items he can come up with are a gun buyback and an example of making the Short North a police state because the Partnership probably told him to.

The guy is such a fucking amateur. But it’s the way he looks at people (calls them his “subordinates”), the way he avoids any responsibility whatsoever, and the manufactured personality where he uses a phony “this deeper, slower voice is my super serious voice now guys, you really need to take this serious for reals” that gets me every time. He’s like the villain in a B horror movie that’s in plain sight in a priest’s costume.

I’ve not heard a single person say they are voting for Andy and I hope to god it’s true. Otherwise we need to plaster the city with crucifixes to get this development vampire the fuck out of town.

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Great piece. It’s telling that “Gunther” and his highly paid consultants need to spend so much Upper Arlington and New Albany money to keep his chair at city hall. It’s also cringy to see him promote the doomed public school levy while he sends his kid to private school (Wellington). Feckless clown!

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Great post DJ!

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