I think her out of state nutball group is called “CatholicVote”

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I laughed after seeing he's the primary sponsor on a Greek independence day bill, 6 months after being shown the "authentic Greek experience"

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His soon to be bride seems like a gold digger. Js

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I’m old enough to remember (and raised Catholic) that working for a Catholic special interest group, which is working for ‘family values’, would fly directly in the f-ing face of broadcasting an out of wedlock relationship that involves a whirlwind global vacation of a lifetime. The optics are bad. Too bad Catholics and Christians these days by and large have lost their morals. F-ing hypocrites.

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I need to know more about your thoughts on Youngstown fashion. But every other move here is straight out of the "get mine" Ytown playbook, including a narcissistic Trump tramp trying to get attached to any politician she can bamboozle into believing she's not gonna be twice that size in 5 years time thanks to the alcoholism.

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