DJ: I'm sorry to inform you that President Xi Jinping’s Patriots Caucus took a vote and you're never allowed to stop reporting on these sewer creatures.
Why am I suddenly afraid that you may have an unfortunate bicycle accident in the near future? Please be careful out there DJ! Head on a swivel and stay safe!
It would be interesting to contact the board of elections and request copies of the petitions she filed to run for office.
In 2009, Husted faced a residency challenge. See
DJ: I'm sorry to inform you that President Xi Jinping’s Patriots Caucus took a vote and you're never allowed to stop reporting on these sewer creatures.
Why am I suddenly afraid that you may have an unfortunate bicycle accident in the near future? Please be careful out there DJ! Head on a swivel and stay safe!
I don't even live in Ohio any more and yet, I can't look away.
a check of utility records at the Laura Lane property might be insightful. who's name is the Duke Energy acct at that address under?
Out of curiosity as a Miami grad myself, where did the Animal Torture University bit come from?