Thanks for the coverage with, per usual, deep contextual information. 🙏 🙏🙏

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Walnut Hills, Ohio's top public school this year in US News's dubious educational rankings, is not located in a wealthy suburb but in a majority black neighborhood. It draws from the entire city though, and the city's wealthier neighborhoods are certainly well represented.

From first hand experience, though, it is way more diverse than the typical highly rated high schools in Ohio, most located in wealthy suburbs -- both in its student body and its location. https://www.publicschoolreview.com/walnut-hills-high-school-profile

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Interesting! That was definitely an oversight on my part regarding Walnut Hills. Thank you for the correction!

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Thanks for the link to the Otani betting scandal. These problems will only get worse with legalized gambling but hey not our problem right? About the protests going on at OSU and other campuses good for the students to use their voices to support their causes! But DeWine and the other governors they want the protest to show that we need to crack down on dissent. It’s 1968 all over again. 🙏

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No snipers or cop beatings for years of the Thunderdome-esque Mirror Lake jumps or even the night Osama bin Laden was killed when they had a freaking zodiac boat on the lake. Hell, they let that “tradition” go on for years in spite of University “rules” (who oversees if those don’t violate students rights?) because alumni and donors loved it. Now what’s different about this protest on the Oval? OBVIOUSLY OSU PD can’t swim. Do with this information what you will, SJPOSU. On the other hand, OSU student government, USG/CGS/IPC, are some straight up COWARDS for either staying completely silent or releasing weak statements that mostly tow the University line. They represent the students but don’t seem to care about their brown ones. And lastly, DJ, reports are that students were abused after arrest, torn off hijabs, no halal food, rough treatment, etc, and I assume that happened by CPD, though I’m not certain where specifically they were taken… presume downtown. Thanks for going to City Hall later today for all of us!

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God, I totally forgot about the boat on Mirror Lake during the night Osama got killed. Fair point regarding all the rest of that stuff too; it's pretty crazy they let Mirror Lake go on as long as they did.

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Quote DJ Byrnes from Crisis Communications: It’s hard to envision that response happening to anyone protesting anything else, but maybe next time, the pro-Palestine crowd will have the smarts to protest in a yet-to-be-discovered manner that appeases their critics while also effectively getting their message across."

Harken back to spring quarter 1970 at OSU, DJ. All we were doing was protesting the Vietnam war, trying to get ROTC off campus, trying to get cirriculum to be relevant for black students, etc. I realize this was before you were born, DJ. Students were killed at KSU, which ramped up everything. Not only was the State Patrol called in, shooting us with rubber bullets and kicking asses, but the Ohio National Guard, too, all teargassing us. So yes, I can and did envision it, breathe it. Those days radicalized me forever.

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Oh, that's totally fair. I was talking about in today's age. My bad is the ambiguity; that's always the fault of the writer when that happens.

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Hey, I don't hold you accountable for anything prior to your original birthday:)

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My feelings exactly about the 20 protesters who were not affiliated with OSU. So what? What's they got to do with anything. Of course our local major media uses this number as if there were 20 outside agitators who were arrested.

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Seems a number of universities are going ban tents on campus in an effort to deter protests. I guess that’s the end of tailgating during football season.

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Agreed! I, too, will never forgive the ODP for casting aside Joe Schiavoni and 3 highly qualified women candidates for Governor and instead hand-picking milquetoast candidate Richard Cordray to run instead. Boo! I do not understand how the ODP operates ☹️

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