Rooster: Cops Can't Chalk Your Car Anymore
Hocking County woman sets courthouse on fire, bill introduced to increase penalties for assaulting refs, and more.
A cooperating witness in the NCAA basketball corruption probe dropped this bombshell yesterday at trial:

Wow, really throws a wrench into the arguments of the puritans who whine amateur athletics will be ruined as soon as players get paid.
But I’m not sure what’s worse: Paying a Michigan or Northwestern player… and for what, exactly? Definitely wasn’t scoring touchdowns or wining games.
I’m just thankful to cheer for the only elite NCAA football team that doesn’t have to cheat to win games. (Please don’t search eBay for signed memorabilia from current stars).

The Fourth Amendment is one of the most important yet disrespected amendments of the Constitution, and yet even I was surprised to read this ruling from a Cincinnati court that struck down the chalking of car tires.
From Fred Barbash of
The age-old parking-enforcement practice of tire-chalking is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court in Cincinnati ruled Monday, saying that it violated the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of unreasonable searches.
A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a first-of-its-kind decision, ruled that marking a car’s tires to gather information is a form of trespass requiring a warrant, similar to police attaching a GPS to a vehicle to track a suspected drug dealer.
Parking attendants across the country have been chalking tires with big white lines for decades in zones without meters to enforce time limits and issue tickets. It’s a substantial source of revenue for many cities.
The decision, while undoubtedly bringing joy to parking scofflaws everywhere, could cost some cities money, either from lost revenue or having to install more meters.
And here I thought only Marion cops used this technique to gauge how long potential suspects had been imbibing at the legendary OK Café. I now understand how cities keep track of time-limited parking without meters, which I always took as more of a suggestion than a ticketable offense.
I’m baffled how chalking a car tire could be considered a “search,” let alone an unreasonable one. The cities that will lose revenue from this probably feel the same way, though they’ll be much more upset over this ruling than me.

Unless you committed a double murder before noon, you did not have as rowdy a Tuesday as Miranda McCormick of Logan, Ohio.
LOGAN, OH (WBNS/CNN) – The Hocking County Courthouse became a crime scene early Tuesday morning after officers noticed smoke coming from one of the offices.
Officers had been called to the area to investigate reports of a woman throwing bricks through the windows of several residences. They saw a female matching witness’ descriptions near the courthouse. That’s when they also saw smoke and fire coming from a courthouse window.
Authorities said the suspect pulled a large knife and ran away.
It was [in her apartment] that police said 31-year-old Miranda McCormick of Logan, OH, barricaded herself inside. Authorities said she set her couch on fire as police entered the apartment.
Officers extinguished the fire and arrested McCormick.
Detectives said inside the apartment they found what was later confirmed by the Columbus bomb squad as an improvised explosive device, along with components to make more.
McCormick later told police their “lack of help with the cartels” sparked her outrage.
Cartel soldiers no doubt left the county before sundown, knowing they had made a powerful enemy that would have her vengeance as soon as she got out of the clink.

The ranks of Ohio refs are dwindling due to obnoxious parents who think their kids are professional athletes.
A new bill in the Ohio House looks to stiffen penalties against any moron who assaults an amateur referee.
COLUMBUS — State Reps. Bill Roemer (R-Richfield) and Joe Miller (D-Amherst) have introduced bipartisan legislation to protect sports officials.
The proposal, House Bill 208, would bring the penalty for assaulting a referee who is on the job, or in retaliation for a prior incident, in line with that of teachers, school administrators and bus drivers. The assault charge would be a first-degree misdemeanor.
If it’s a felony for a drug addict to smoke crack, it should be a felony for anyone who assaults a teacher, school administrator, bus driver, or referee. One is a decision born of a diseased mind. The other is born of a lack of emotional maturity and/or stupidity.
President Deals, whose ego requires amoral stooges to serve underneath him, wants to appoint Stephen Moore, a guy who doesn’t know basic economics (see the evidence in the video above) to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors because it’s 2019 and nothing at all matters.
Needless to say, Moore won’t be vacationing in Cincinnati or Cleveland, which he called “armpits of America.”
From Sabrina Eaton of
WASHINGTON, D.C. - First, comments that Stephen Moore made about women came back to haunt the Heritage Foundation columnist whom President Donald Trump is considering for an appointment on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors.
Now, a video of Moore trashing Cleveland and Cincinnati has incensed the top Democrat on the Senate committee that would have to sign off on his nomination: Ohio’s Sherrod Brown.
On Tuesday, Brown sent a letter to Moore that says he’s “offended and troubled” by comments Moore made at a 2014 Heartland Institute book discussion event in Chicago, where he said: “If you want to live in the Midwest, where else do you want to live besides Chicago? You don’t want to live in Cincinnati or Cleveland or these armpits of America like that. You want to live in Chicago.”
Hard to believe a racist “billionaire” who lives in a golden apartment in New York City would hire a guy who disrespects “real America” like that.

In a normal state, the picture of Ohio’s top cop (left) and Ohio’s corrupt Speaker of the House (right) would have sunken the cop’s gubernatorial ambitions, especially when the public learned the cop tipped his corrupt crony to a pending FBI investigation.
However, this is Ohio, and Mike DeWine is now our governor. He still can’t do anything for Rosenberger, whom the FBI has been investigating for over a year.
Credit to Cliff, though. He has used his abundance of free time to get into the best shape of his life despite still being insecure about his hairline to the point he’s one of those weird dudes who exercises in a baseball cap:

Oh, what could’ve been had he not felt the need to flex his corruption on Instagram like a goddamn Millennial. He might’ve been governor one day!

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