I lost 100 Ho Chi Minh coins yesterday by not mentioning the 50th anniversary of the FBI and Chicago police drugging and assassinating 21-year-old Black Panther leader Fred Hampton and he lied in bed with his pregnant fiancée.
That the FBI wanted him dead says all you need to know about how much juice this young man had. When you project his life over another 50 years it becomes impossible to describe the loss our society suffered by the corrupt actions of a cabal of white men.
People think there is freedom of speech in this country. And that’s true for the most part right up until somebody with swagger starts talking about wealth inequality and honest solutions to stop the garishness. At that point for the capital class it’s no problem to find armed men with guns to solve that problem.

Remember back in high school when the sexual activities of other people were considered worthy of discussion? Well the religious conservatives in Ohio never evolved out of that phase because they were raised in a fantasy world where teenagers will stop fucking once they come to know about the dangers of spending eternity in Hell.
From Jo Ingles of wosu.org:
Ohio lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow the state's education department to set health and sex education standards for K-12 schools. However, it is meeting opposition from conservative groups.
Ohio law mandates that abstinence be taught in K-12 schools as the preferred education policy. Brian Yusko with the Ohio Association of Colleges for Teacher Education says the state is an outlier when it comes to having health education standards.
“Ohio is the only state that does not have a set of health education standards," Yusko says.
Linda Harvey with Mission: America, a conservative Christian group based in Columbus, says individual schools are already teaching national sex ed programs that she says recommend immoral and unsafe sexual activities.
Honestly the older I get the more I relate to Martin Luther King Jr. about how it’s actually well-intentioned moderates that are standing in the way of true social progress. Nothing I hate more than some drunk white male bitching about how they’re “not into politics” because “everyone is crooks” as if this a revelation outside of a high school keg party.
You better be into politics because politics is into you. The state mandating the teaching of proven policy favors like abstinence-only sex education is just the latest example.

In typical fashion Ohio dragged its feet on legalizing hemp compared to other states such as Oregon. But hey at least we did it and now the first harvest has come to pass. The only question is if our farmers will make any money off it.
From Julia Fair of cincinnati.com:
That’s because weather impacts how much CBD and THC a plant has. To have a profitable – and not illegal – crop, the Burns family needs its plants to have a large percentage of CBD and a very low percentage of THC.
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the nonpsychoactive chemical in hemp that is rising in popularity because it’s believed by some to reduce anxiety and help with sleep and pain. THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is the compound responsible for the psychotropic effects of marijuana.
At $3 a plant, the Burns family spent $24,000 to plant 4 acres of hemp. It was another few hundred dollars to put down special tape and plastic to help the plants grow, something tobacco never needed. Hemp takes a lot of “babysitting,” as the family puts it.
Daryl’s days on the farm could span from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the summer.
“We don’t go home for lunch. We bring us a bologna sandwich and spend the day here,” he said.
Hopefully other farmers’ products look better than the pictures in the article because those buds are uh not great compared to what I saw back in September on a hemp farm in Oregon ran by a 28-year-old Ohioan. But then again Oregon has a much better climate for hemp compared to Oregon. My advice to any farmer looking to grow hemp in Ohio would be to build greenhouses. Otherwise your product will be nowhere close to the top of the market. Just some free business advice from a noted business guru such as myself.

As mentioned earlier there is a network of very powerful people in Ohio who desire to make the state as sexually repressed as they are. These goofs truly believe abortion to be murder which is bad news for anyone who isn’t their mistress seeking an abortion and the doctors that provide them.
Ohio Rep. Stephanie Howse who it must be noted is an anti-vaxxer recently joined a group of state legislators on a fact-finding mission to El Salvador which has criminalized abortion.
From Jo Yurcaba rewire.com:
The legislators visited a women’s prison to meet 13 women who have been incarcerated on various charges related to El Salvador’s abortion ban. Avila-Guillen, who was on the trip with the legislators, said the country’s abortion ban, like all restrictions on abortion that have criminal penalties, ends up criminalizing people who experience pregnancy complications.
Some of the women the legislators visited in prison were sentenced to 30 years for having miscarriages that prosecutors allege were actually attempted abortions. Terán told Rewire.Newsshe was affected by all the stories they heard at the prison, but the story of a woman named Sarita was especially horrifying and unjust. Sarita told them that she was 18 and still in high school during her pregnancy. One night, her brother died by suicide, and her mother took him to the hospital. While she was gone, Sarita gave birth. “When the mom comes back, the girl is unconscious,” and “having had just taken the brother to the hospital because of suicide, then to have to take her other child to the hospital,” Terán said.
When Sarita woke up in the hospital, she was in a room with other mothers who were getting to hold their children. “She was asking for her child, and nobody would give her any answers,” Terán said. When she left the hospital, Sarita thought she was going home, but she was then detained. “She was so confused about what was happening to the point that she thought she was being accused [of] her brother’s death,” Terán said. It wasn’t until she was processed in prison that she found out she was being detained for aggravated homicide.
This is the future these freaks want for Ohio. This is the only logical collusion to the “abortion is murder” nonsense. They’re in the minority but they’re well-financed and organized. And if our side doesn’t start pushing back with equal intensity we will lose this fight for another generation.

Democrats in the Ohio House can’t bring about much legislation on account of not having the numbers to do anything. Despite Republicans not wanting more people to vote because their leverage decreases there is one good idea out there to make Election Day a holiday.
The question is to what extent that means anything though.
From Tyler Buchanan of ohiocapitaljournal.com, both of whom you should follow on Twitter @Tylerjoelb and @OhioCapJournal:
Would public schools and universities stay open on Election Day? That is up to their respective boards of education and boards of trustees, the bill suggests, though non-teaching employees would get the day off either way.
If approved, this would make Ohio the 14th state to recognize Election Day as a holiday.
Using the 2018 election cycle as an example, it does not appear that holiday-observing states record noticeably better turnout numbers.
An analysis by the Capital Journal found that the states that did not observe Election Day as a holiday in 2018 had a better turnout (52.5 percent average) than the states that did (49.6 percent average).
Thirteen states observe Election Day as a paid holiday for state workers. Maryland may have been the first, doing so way back in 1882.
Their approaches differ. The holiday is only recognized on presidential years in Kentucky, while Louisianans and Michiganders only do on even-numbered midterm years. Sweeney even noted the unique decision by officials of Sandusky, near Lake Erie, who replaced Columbus Day with Election Day as a holiday on the calendar.
Well I guess it’s like I said earlier. There are always going to be people who don’t care to vote unless gas goes over $4 a gallon or sports become illegal. Doesn’t seem like there’s much of a point in making Election Day a holiday if you’re not going to crack down on the small business tyrants that would naturally be appalled by any attempt to increase the freedom in the lives of their employees.

Killing deer with guns is losing popularity with Ohio hunters as they say you know what? I enjoy the challenge of killing an animal the old fashioned way.
From Sheridan Hendrix of cincinnati.com:
Monday marks the first day of Ohio’s annual deer gun week. Though fewer Ohioans are opting for firearms to harvest deer, more hunters are reaching for bows to do the job. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, archers accounted for almost half of last season’s entire deer harvest, and for the sixth year in a row, more deer were taken during archery season than the week of gun season.
For Corey Price, it’s about the challenge.
His stepdad took him bow and gun hunting when he was 12, and he loved walking with him in the woods and experiencing the world around him. He eventually took a hunter’s education course and started hunting by himself soon after.
These days, Price, 23 and a resident of the University District, near downtown Columbus, takes full advantage of deer-hunting season, using both bows and guns during their respective seasons. But while gun hunting is wrapped in tradition, bow hunting gives him the chance to test his skills.
If deers weren’t so dumb and didn’t cause so much damage I would say we should just outlaw hunting with guns. But then again that’s probably why I won’t be winning a statewide election in Ohio any time soon.

Romaine lettuce! What in the hell is that stuff about? It offers no nutritional substance and now there’s a heightened risk of catching the disease that happens when someone takes a shit and doesn’t adequately wipe their hands.
From Chris Mosby of patch.com:
CLEVELAND — Twelve people in Ohio are now sick due to E.coli spread through romaine lettuce. Nearly 70 people nationwide have fallen ill from eating the lettuce, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
When new of the E.coli outbreak first spread, Ohio reported five confirmed cases of E.coli in residents. That number has more than doubled in less than two weeks.
Nationwide, the outbreak has sent 39 people to the hospital. The CDC estimates E.coli cases could continue coming in for two to four weeks.
"We expect the case counts to rise. It typically takes a couple of weeks for cases to be reported and included in the case counts. There are probably already more people who are sick. Their cases just have not been fully reported yet," said food poisoning lawyer Jory Lange when the outbreak was first announced.
Reminder: FDA regulation on things like lettuce contaminated with the shit disease have plummeted under President Business Deals. This is another example of why normal people should be alarmed at any politician claiming he wants to make owning a business easier in America which is already the easiest place in the world to own a business. All that means is a worse life for people that have to work for a living.

THOSE WMDs. Why Democrats are moving fast on impeachment… Kim Jong-Un visits sacred mountaintop on horseback… Instagram influencers are disrupting healthcare… A few simple habits can add years to your life… How to have a true hobby not a side hustle… The one county that voted in a landslide for Obama and Trump.