Vehicle theft at John Glenn international - the most accidental pro public transit video I've seen (the only one I've ever seen) https://youtu.be/lIvzDVUqKNc?si=EzegDUZtuRP-aV2U

This seems like the most inside job (my conspiracy theory) whereas either the union or the pro transit union or someone hired to do this to her vehicle. To that I say: very cool!

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Emelio's my beloved family joint, them spicy pepperoni they use (hopefully they still use em) are amazing. If you're ever in my new neck of the woods (DC), check out WABA and try to time a visit with one of their bike rides around the District. They just did a 50-states ride: 60 miles, traversing every single street in DC that is named after a state. Cool organization doing good things around here

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Some of the same people who were gushing over Cheney during the 1/6 hearings are now complaining she was with Harris on the campaign trail. I don't agree with ANY of Cheney's politics or her father Darth Cheney but as the old saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I also believe that Obama promised to have a GOPer on his cabinet and he got shit as well but remember LeJoy is still the postmaster general - Biden never replaced him

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Here's a book suggestion for you: The Power Broker by Robert A. Caro. It's a big book, but excellent.

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That is also on the shelf that I need to get around to. My brother has been yelling at me about it for yeaes.

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kind of sad, no, real sad, that this mail-bag dispatch didn't include your obligatory reference to the domestic terrorist, Sen Huffman. Good work otherwise!

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I regret the omission and will fix that in the next one.

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