She told me I needed God because I said on Twitter that masks are more about protecting other people’s immune systems rather than yourself. She’s a nurse...

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Just curios. If someone has had the vacinne and over two weeks has passed do they need to wear a mask? I'm seriously asking. If so why? They have spoke about the country being vaccinated by the end of May but wearing masks until 2022. I was wondering what the reasoning is. Does anyone know?

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If you are someone without any underlying conditions, who has been fully vaccinated (including the two weeks wait after the final vaccine) then you likely don't need to wear a mask. But vaccines work in part because of herd immunity and the vaccines likely won't be declared safe for children for a while. Until more people are vaccinated it's likely a good idea to keep following mask rules even if you are vaccinated, if only to continue to set a good example in indoor public spaces. If you want to de-mask with your vaccinated friends in private, go ahead. It's much easier to verify everyone's safety in that sort of setting.

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You're a clown. Viruses mutate, we develop tolerance, they mutate again. Rinse and repeat for all of human history.

How did being quarantined from Europe's filthy cities go for native Americans once exposed? You could put the number of deaths in perspective with percentages and demographics but that wouldn't fit your narrative.

Not to mention the federal covid relief measures have monetized hospitals declaring deaths "covid related".

You're a full stop idiot pushing bullshit propaganda. Shut the fuck up.

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Thank you for reading, Thaddeus! Every click helps more than you could know.

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Not sure why the drive-by shots at Rock City church...

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It’s a nondenominational tax grift that clearly is not teaching the gospel to Shelley Meyer!

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Interesting take. Not sure if you can judge a church based on an opinion of one person that goes there. Their staff compensation is 22.2% lower than median 10k+ attendance churches nationwide. Over 84,000 meals served through the downtown Dream Center. The good goes on and on...

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Wow, she really is cuckoo

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Shelley was a pro WAY before Urban ever was, a professional fraud! She was choosing which charity spotlight to stand in while selling her $500 glorified yoga pants to OSU fans. I work on the OSU printers and had held the door multiple times for Shelley as she approved designs in the UniPrint complex on Kenny Rd. NEVER did she acknowledge a door being held, never a single word, because , you know… her @&$@ don’t stink!!!

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Shelley is a clown

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